University of Colorado Colorado Springs Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Colorado Colorado Springs?


the location


The views. Colorado Springs lies just below the beautiful Pikes Peak located within the Rocky Mountains. Cloaked in a hat of white, and personifying the majestic purple hue of perfection, the mountain is beautiful. Beyond that, Colorado skies are always a crytal blue, painted with breathtaking clouds, the scenery in undoubtably beautfiul. The campus itself represents the sheer independence of Colorado!


The top to things I brag about is the safety and how nice the campus is. This campus is not all spread out like most colleges and it is really effective and a gorgeous campus to go to school at. I constantly brag about how quickly and safely I am able to walk from one side of the campus to the other. Safety is a huge issue to me. I am proud to say that since UCCS is so small it is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.


It's a great place to go lots to do


That it is modern. We have a new recreational center and just opened our new Event Center last week! It is so exciting to see this university grow! They are always making new buildings to accomodate the students better.


The academic atmosphere at UCCS is absolutely amazing, and every professor I have had thus far has been respectful and responsive to all of my needs and those of other students. I would say there is a definite desire to learn and expand one's horizons significantly and develop a functional global understanding. If I had to sum up the best aspects of UCCS, I would say every person, professor and student, has an unwavering desire to learn and teach on a completely unique level.


Reasonable tuition costs. Strong drama program with many theatre programs staged during the school year. Various ages of students create a diversity.


We have one of the best nursing programs in the nation and are fairly afforadable and a good size. Not too big, not too small. If you want to exceed there is great opportunity here.


I always tell them how much fun certain classes are and how many cool people i have befriended in class.


I had a great relationship with my professors and the school faculty, something my friends said was near impossible on their campuses. It seemed like everyone at my school was eager to lend a helping hand, and the professors were always available, whether you needed to contact them by e-mail, phone, or face-to-face. They really encouraged students to succeed in not only class, but all areas of life. The campus itself was also completely up-to-date, which made it enjoyable to stay and study in the library and computer labs.