University of Connecticut Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Connecticut accurate?


There are a lot of students dedicated to schoolwork, not all from CT..there are a lot of big drinkers though because theres not much else to do


Pretty much. Playboy "The University of Connecticut is no longer rated in our annual top ten party school list because we feel that it is unfair to include professionals in a list full of amateurs"


Absolutely not




Some of them are. UConn is pretty big on drinking, but it's a dry campus so parties on campus are way more of a hassle than off-campus parties. Alot of UConn students are rich and spoiled, but not too many of them are snobby. Nobody gets raped on the rape trail anymore. Spring weekend is awesome.


UCONN is only crazy during Spring Weekend. You are able to find a party every weekend, but I wouldn't consider UCONN to be a party school. I will agree that UCONN is not that diverse. As a minority student, I find myself being the only black student out of fifty students. But this makes the bond between the minority students even closer, you get to know everyone that is just like you.


The drinking stereotype isn't true from my experiences (except on spring weekend). We're a basketball school only when the basketball team is winning cuz they've had a lousy past few years. Whether or not there's anything to do depends on the perspective you take and whether or not you want to try new things. And although it's funny to talk about, the cow-tipping one is completely wrong.


People call UConn a "party school," when in reality, college is what you make of it. If you're here to party, you'll party. But if you're here to learn (and maybe party a little), you're going to get your money's worth.


completely TRUE! it's no good...


It all depends. People do party here, but if you do not drink, it is easy to find other people who don't as well. Everyone here is very friendly. UConn in recent years has become a much better university, academic-wise. It is excellent, and I highly recommend it.