University of Connecticut Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


UConn has over 500 different clubs and organizations on campus. Like I said before, you can find every type of activity or interest in these clubs. I think that all the clubs and organizations here are incredibly successful and get the amount of members necessary to go about what they want to do. I'm involved with a few different groups here, including the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and Community Outreach (CO). Last year in USG, I was the Freshman Class Senator and Deputy Speaker of the Senate. I am now the chairperson of the Retention and Recruitment Committee, where I focus on strengthening USG from the inside-out, while encouraging students to join. It's an incredible organization, and has a lot of influence on this campus. My other group, which I am most passionate about, is Community Outreach. I volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters, where I mentor 5th and 6th grade students in low-income areas throughout the year. I also am apart of the Alternative Spring Breaks in CO. Last year, I went to New Orleans for spring break, and plan on going to the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma this spring. It's an incredible experience to be apart of! You can also get involved with the cultural centers or Greek life here. Greek life is not a big factor at UConn, but those who do get involved absolutely love it. It really depends on what you're interested in! The Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts is a great place on campus. There is always a show here, and I've seen some great performances! Ray Allen, the creator of "Post Secret", Billy Joel, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Ludacris... they have everyone! The Student Union Board of Governors (SUBOG) puts on a lot of these shows, and also host the Union Late Nights on weekends. They are a big part of all the fun things on campus, and are always coming up with great ideas for the students!


a cappella group performs "A Space Between"


great time in this area. I was a member of a fraternity here and I saw alot of cool stuff over the last 4 yrs. The campus provides alot of activities to do, sports to play, and a few bars to party at too. I recommend TKE fraternity to really make the most of your time here, but other frsternities sororities and orgs. will do the trick.


there is something to do on campus every single day of every semester- at the gym, theater, student union ect.


Greek life is the biggest thing on the social scene. Parties are legit, you can find some real good parties. Sometimes it is hard for guys to get it but usually i go to at least 2 a week.


The most popular team is quite obviously the basketball team. Simple as that. The only thing I am involved in at Storrs is the Northwest Dining Hall (part of the freshman dorms), where I have worked since freshman year. Getting involved in an on-campus job is a great way to make friends. Every year you make new ones. My previous group of friends, I had met through the dining hall and previous roommates. My newer group of friends is my new roommates and friends from working this past year. If you are awake at 2am on a Tuesday, you are probably studying or writing a paper. If not, then it is a holiday, aka St. Patty's Day, Valentine's Day etc. In the dorms, students often have their doors open when they are around and often people wander from room to room.


Ballroom dancing is more prevalent. I'm in Global House, a learning community of international students and those who are interested in other cultures. Some leave their doors open, some don't. Athletics are VERY VERY popular. So are most guest speakers, concerts, theater, etc. People try out more things as far as dating goes. Most seem to keep dates quiet until they decide that, yes, it can work out as a long-term relationship. There's also been some hookups I know of. I met my closest friend in middle school, and she goes to Uconn too. If I'm awake at 2am on Tuesday, I'm swamped by work. There are a lot of parties, most just in dorms.


involved with husky ambassadors- we run the open houses and have a program called Husky for a Day in which prospective students shadow us to see what being at uconn is like, people party every weekend, athletic events are pretty popular


There is something going on on campus no matter what day it is. We have had may famous authors, comedians, poets, musical artisits, activists, & actors come to campus. There are too many to name. Social life all depends on the person & what they like to do. Students usually hang out with their close friends during the week & hang out in larger groups on the weekend. I cannot speak for all students because everyone likes to do different things that is why this campus is so diverse. However, because in a rural area, there is not much to do outside campus.


All of the athletics are very popular. Parties right off campus are very popular although there is sober alternatives in Late Night on Fridays. My floor left their doors open although it really depends on the floor. People are very friendly and I know I hung out with my floor all the time.