Athletes, greeks, and geeks
state school with only ct residents
That we are a party school- i am unsure if this idea has faded out over the last few years with the increase of police monitoring at celeron and carriage. we are not a party school- except for spring weekend it is hard to find a decent party! if you want a party school- Uconn is not it, if you want a middle of the road school with some parties but not all the time- uconn works
The basketball players are looked at as gods
The biggest stereo type for UConn is that we are a major party school.
1. Most people drink
2. Most people drink a lot
3. The guys are hot
4. The guys become fat
5. The food is terrible
6. There are lots of activities
7. There's nothing to do near campus
8. Freshman 15 is inevitable
Party School. Some stereotypes about students are they drinking entirely too much, party too much, & never study. It is also known not to have a large community of minority students, including African Americans, Latinos, Asian American, etc. Does not offer much besides sports.
They are all from Connecticut and that it is a boring school because it is in rural CT.
drunk dmb and oar listening, pot smoking, partying white kids
One stereotype is that UConn is a huge party school. It's true that we like to party, but we work hard and then play hard, so it's a way of letting off some steam from a week's worth of hard work and studying.
We are wild and our partying gets out of hand.
UConn is challenging, we party often, there is nothing to do around the campus
That UConn is just a state school and that all we do is party.
Everyone is a huge drinker.
UConn Students are viewed pretty highly by other schools.
1. They are all raging drunks, that only like to party.
2. They University only cares about their image.
That they're a bunch of hicks in cow country, and all anyone does on the weekends is party because that's all there is to do.
to outsiders the programs are really good and a degree from uconn makes you look good, to students it is impossible to get the classes you want and applying for housing is always full of anxiety, it used to be a wicked fun party school, but it's not the same as it was 5 years or so ago, basically the school and esp the basketball teams are the pride of Connecticut, if you say UConn in CT everyone knows what you're talking about