University of Connecticut Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Connecticut?


The school is very diverse but I think that kids who aren't focused on school and think that Uconn is only a party school are only wasting their money. Yes a lot of kids party but they either get kicked out or know how to balance their school work. So I think that if their goal is to party, they should forfeit their spot to someone who wants to be there to learn.


Artistic people would not fit here. Most people here are people that are truly-focused on there career and sports. This isn't a school know for it's art department. Most kids here are sports fanatics and probably wouldn't get along with the artsy types.


Someone who doesn't like to party, isn't interested in meeting others or making friends, and doesn't like the weather in New England.


Someone with a closed mind about trying new things and meeting new people should not attend this school. Uconn requires an open mind and a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone and into the unknown.


Someone who doesnt like a big school. its like its own little city. my first choice of school was in NYC or boston; i got into both my top choices but couldn't afford them. thats why i chose uconn.


If you do not plan on doing any work then your should not attend this school. When you go to school, you are suppose to work hard in order to do well. The University of Connecticut is known as a party college, but that should not be the reason for you to attend. College is about learning and is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. In general, a person that does not want to do any work, should not go to school. Everyone that has graduated has put in the time and effort to do what they love.


The type of person that shouldn't attend the University of Connecticut is someone that is unmotivated, unorganized, lazy, and not social. To attend the university you should be willing to work and achieve your best. You have to have goals to set for yourself and work hard to make those a reality. Being social is important as well because you want to meet and join many different groups in order to get involved on campus.


In all honesty, quiet people who like to sleep at night.


Someone who doesnt like to work hard and do well.


I would imagine the kind of person who shouldn't attend this school to be someone that is racist, sexist, or prejudice to another person's beliefs.