It is easy to look back at my high school days and recognize the numerous mistakes I made. Knowing what I do now, I would advise myself to relax and enjoy high school as much as possible . After a year in college, I have realized how worried and stressed out I was in high school preparing for it. The months would drag on and I couldn't stop thinking about college. What if my roomate hates me? What if I don't like my professors? What if going to college is a mistake? I would tell myself that college is not as intimidating as I perceived it to be. I'd also say that making friends in college is fairly simple and the professors are genuinely good people. Everyone is as nervous about making new friends as you are. I would include that while college is a great experience and loads of fun, you should also focus on class and try not to get sidetracked. I would tell myself you only get from the class what you put in.
I would stay in school and get a degree.
One of the first things i would change about myself would be to take more Advanced Placement classes in high school and to try to do better on the AP exams. This way my work load for my freshmen year of college would be a lot lighter giving me a chance to get ahead and have more time to adjust to the workload in college. I would also work on time management and know how to use my time efficiently to complete all my work in a timely fashion. As i mentioned before i am very open-minded so adjusting to the new college lifestyle was not much of a problem for me. In addition to this i would also try to get more involved in college activities such as joining clubs, taking part in cultural events and community service acitivities. Doing these things would make my college experience more fun and academically successful.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to become very involved on campus right from the outset. This allows you to learn about your school, make more friends, and get personal and professional connections for the future. I would also tell myself to use the resources available on campus for transitioning to college life and prioritize my studies ahead of everything else. Socializing is important and definitely plays a role in developing as a young adult, but it need not take a front seat in your to-do list because ultimately it is not what you are there for. Also, seeing as how my school is located in the middle of farm country, I would tell myself to learn about all the options available when it comes to recreational activities. It is very important to stay open-minded in a campus environment, because that way the opportunities that are available become virtually limitless. Last but not least, I would say to get out there, have fun, and learn all you can along the way.
Study more. Time management.
If I could go back in time to talk to my high school senior self, I would recommend keeping focus on what is important and the main reason for being at school.The most important advice I would give myself and any student transitioning into college life, is to GO TO CLASS! With the new found freedom that comes with college, there is no one but yourself to motivate you to get up for classes at eight or nine in the morning. Countless studies have shown that students who go to class are much more likely to get As in their classes.
One major obstacle I ran into for making it to class in the morning was staying up late, so another piece of advice I would give myself is to go to sleep at a reasonable and realistic time so as to wake up for early classes. I know that sleeping in looks very attractive when you don't have your mom yelling at you to get to school, but that's going to make the difference between making your mom happy with good grades, or regretting your decisions. Find your motivation and stay focused on what's important.
Knowing what I know now, I would first advise myself to apply for more scholarships! The expenses for this school exceed the money that I have (or my family has) so applying for more scholarships in my senior year would have helped me a great deal. I would also advise myself to spread out my difficult classes in order to minimize stress. As an Animal Science major, I learn a lot of information in each class, and it is hard to remember everything. That being said, I would suggest to my senior self to look over class notes the same day I take them. Studying a little at a time instead of looking at everything just a few days before an exam may help my memory. Studying is very important and time management is key. I would also tell myself to take more than the minimum 12 credits per semester so that I dont have to take so many classes in my senior year. All of this advice would most definitely make my college experience much easier!
Thats simple go to a college that isn't to expensive but still offers a good education.
I would tell myself to research all of the programs available in my area of interest, and not be brainwashed by my advisor. I would do more of my own research of various programs in the school instead of accepting my advisor when he promises that the one I'm enrolled in is the "best" one. I would take my advisor with a grain of salt, I suppose.
I would tell myself to always say "yes." Of course there are stipulations to this rule but for every opportunitiy offered to me I would respond with "yes" without a question. Having an open mind is one lesson that only college can teach because you are submersed in a situation where you realize how many other people you have to compete with in order to get a job and how much you have to excel in order to be noticed. I would tell any high school senior that they need to be open to any opportunity that comes their way because there is so much to take away from every situation. Every job, internship, volulnteer opportunity, and social event has a positive outcome or a learning experience built into it. Therefore, I reject negativity and the word "no." You should always be able and willing to go the extra mile and take something out of an experience, whether it be a friend, a quote, or a new thought. Therefore, when somebody offers you an experience, always say yes!