University of Connecticut Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish someone had told me to avoid taking out loans


That I would have a serious epileptic attack which would disrupt my education.


I wish I had known how easy it was to make friends at UCONN. I was deathly afraid that I was not going to find anyone I liked, especially because I was living in the Honors housing freshman and sophomore year at UCONN. However, all of my best friends now came from the Honors program because everyone is so nice and outgoing at this university.


I honestly wish I had known how different college would be. Everyone always said it would be the best time of my life, but I had to grow up as soon as I got here and it was pretty stressful. I definitely would have wanted to know what the best study method to pass my classes was, know the best places to study on campus, and the best place to eat! A guide to how to succeed in classes would be best, but I also wish I could have told myself not to skip classes or procrastinate.


I wish I had known that college is all about finding yourself. I spent a lot of time as a transferr trying to find a place to "fit in" during my first semester. After struggling that first semeseter I realized that college is about finding myself and if I know who I am and what I care about there will always be people who feel the same way. I got very invovled in my fraternity and my education major and made lots of friends because we had thes ame interests of bolunteering with children.


I wish I had known how much traveling in a sport would interfere with my learning and studying and the proctoring of test at 11:00 p.m. at night after a full day of competition.


I wish I had known how many of the people entering drank alcohol. I remember during accepted students orientation that about 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the people drank and I did not. It was really intimidating. There are non-drinking activities on campus, but as a freshman or sophomore, there is definitely a pressure to drink.


How to apply for housing and registering for classes....what classes I should take for my major. The application process for independent studies and applying for undergraduate research experiences (REU) so I have an upper hand when applying to grad school.


I wish i would have known how much books and tuition really is every semester and how big some lecture halls may be. I


To be perfectly honest, I can't really say there is anything I wish I had known before I came to this school. The University of Connecticut gives its incoming students every opportunity to know what their life at UConn will be like. There is the Husky for a Day program, summer orientaton , a lecture by a psychology professor on how to succeed academically in college, and a lecture at the beginning of each school year that gives freshmen advice for their academic and extracurricular endeavors. UConn has all the resources one needs to succeed.


How hard it is to get good dorming here, and some of the unreasonable rules and fees.


Nothing that I didn't expect.


I wish I had known that it would not be as stressful as I thought it would be. Classes, making new friends, and just adjusting to college life were not only not stressful, but were a lot of fun!


The campus is fairly large so I would have liked to know the campus and buildings more than I did.


I wish I had known that if you refused housing your first year, you wouldnt be guaranteed it the next year.


I wish I had known that having a car is a great benefit; otherwise, it is pretty difficult and inconvenient to get off campus or go anywhere.


I wish I had realized that my opportunities here are no different than another "better" school. I came to UConn thinking that I was "too good" because it was my safety school, but the classes are still challenging, and the atmosphere is not much different than what I was expecting coming into college.


Before attending UConn, I would have been interested in knowing about the regulations to be a transfer student. Every year over 1200 transfer students enroll. A transfer student only needs a minimum 2.7 GPA, and after two years of college, a transfer student's high school record is disregarded. In order to get into UConn as a freshman, a student needs a minimum 3.5 GPA and an varied resume, accompanied by impressive SAT/ACT scores. Had I not gotten into the University of Connecticut on my first try, it's nice to know I could have smoothly transferred.


I knew UConn was isolated in Storrs, but didn't realized how much!


I wish I had known about the weather conditions before I had moved in because I would have loaded up on umbrellas, ponchos, raincoats, rainboots, etc.