University of Delaware Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Delaware?


Rich, New York and New Jersey girls, stuck up, snotty, beautiful


That it is a highly greek party school


That we're all rich and white, that we come from New York or Jersey only, that we're all here to major in business


Theres been a lot of rumors going around about us being racist and not playin del state cause their essentially all african american.


jappy, wealthy, partiers


There are a lot of hot girls.


White, upper middle class, ambercrombie wearing kids who drink a lot.


Ummm let me think.. I would say a big stereotype is that its a big party school and all UD students do is get drunk.


The University of Delaware is not a very diverse campus. University officials are always trying to promote diversity, but in reality, UD does not rank high in diversity among other universities. UD students are stereotyped to be apathetic concering campus and nationwide issues.


the "JAP"-py girl is everywhere. i think like every school, some say UD is huge for its party scene and others think it's not enough.