University of Denver Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Denver?


This depends on the audience. Locally, DU is known as an overpriced school with snobby rich kids that were not smart enough to go out east.


There are common stereotypes at DU because we are a private university. Often times the sterotype is white, rich kids, but that is not entirely true. Although there are students that come from wealthy families, the majority of my friends actually do have student loans and over 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of our student population has scholarships or financial aid. One thing I like about DU is that the stereotype of athletes is not as prevalent as at other schools. I have classes with a lot of the athletes and are actually friends with them, they aren't just distant idols. There are other stereotypes that exist at DU, such as stoners and frat starts, but I have found that all the various groups do a lot of mixing, so just because you belong to one "group" doesn't mean you are confined to that group at all.


The usual stereotype is that ALL students are white, rich, athletes, business students and quite possibly ivy-league rejects. (totally not true by the way)


The stereotype of DU students is that everyone participates in Greek Life and comes from backgrounds filled with trust funds and money.


The stereotype of most students at DU is that they are rich white kids. However, 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the students are on scholarship, meaning that the stereotype of "all rich kids," is untrue.


Students at DU unfortunately have the stereotype of being white, rich kids. I believe this is mostly caused by the amount the university costs to attend. Not just anyone gets into DU and we have high standards that have to be met in order to be accepted.


DU is often stereotyped as a school for rich kids of below average to average achievement, who prefer parties to academics.


Perhaps that because DU is a private school the students are rich and spoiled.


The DU campus mainly consists of rich/upper-class white students, who typically live sheltered lives and live off of mom and dad.


A rich, smart school.