University of Florida Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Florida? Why?


The campus community is so large that it can sometimes feel alienating, as if you are a faceless entity among crowds of students and faculty and staff who dont' care about you or your concerns.


classes are huge and the majority of people arent very interesting. A lot of people come here due to scholarships and the people are usually kids that dont know what they want to do with there lives or who they are but there parents make enough money so college sounds like the right idea


Some people may find the University to be too large and overwhelming. If students are used to being babied by teachers they will probably feel forgotten or overlooked.


I would say that the worst thing about my school is how spread out the campus is. It can be inconvenient to have a class on one side of the campus and have only 15 minutes between classes to run across to the other side of campus.


It seems that there is over croweding of the classrooms. They sometimes have us take classes in another department that are similar so we can stay on track. If the course you need is filled you can sometimes wait a year before you can take it next.


Parking cars.


Funding is being cut which is resulting in lower quality classes...


Sometimes people that work in administration for the school aren't the most helpful.


The University of Florida is currently dealing with some financial issues. This has a lot to do with the states Bright Futures program which funds a significant percentage of students? educations. While this is an amazing program, which I myself am a beneficiary of, it has for a long time caused the state to block attempts to raise tuition levels. In effect this has put a major strain on the school which some programs, particularly those where professors are not in part funded by research grants, are starting show through cutting of classes and faculty.

