University of Florida Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Florida?


Many stereotypes stem from inaccurate knowledge about students who attend this university. I've heard people criticize other individuals for not being on the same level academically as they are. This university takes students from many differing backgrounds who have many different goals. Accusing someone of not being as smart as you because they are specializing in a different field is absurd. Another stereotype is that everyone completed the same high school classes prior to entering this university. Many individuals did not complete IB or AP classes, and holding that against them is wrong. Finally, assuming that everyone in college is in the same age group is false. Like I said before there are many different backgrounds to the individuals who attend UF. The age range is anywhere from the teens to the early thirties or older. When you get into graduate school, there are individuals who have already entered the work force once and have come back for a different field. They might have an established family or have come from a community college.


That it's a party school, and the students are there just to drink and watch football.


The students at UFl think they are smarter than students at other schools, that UFL is better than all other state schools, students are generally stuck up, we party too much, we smoke a lot of weed, UFL nurtures intellectualism and diversity, graduates have promising futures, the greek system runs the school and the most elite honor societies...


That we are a party school.


A lot of people think everyone at the University is Greek. This is totally not true! There is definitely a visible Greek population but if you don't want to be Greek you can join the vast majority of students at UF and find an organization or way to get involved that's more your style. Another stereotype is that we all love to party and do it 24-7. I will admit that Gainesville is a college party town. you can probably find a party any night of the week and you'll probably be invited to at least a few every weekend, but not everyone is into partying. We are concerned with our academics as well! Another stereotype is that UF is all about the sports. Um, this is true.


Very prestigeous school that is very hard to get into. The students are thought to be intelligent but cocky. Some see them as stuck up.


Party school, cares more about research than students


A lot of people think that UF students are all sorority or fraternity students. I think a lot of people also think Florida students may act a little 'entitled'. Everyone at UF drinks and is obsessed with sports, or so everyone thinks.


Uf students are very smart and that they party alot. Uf is also thought to be this great school and the school cares about students.


That UFL is just a party school and that the students are also very party oriented.