University of Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Florida know before they start?


I have gotten independence from my college experiance. Now that I dont live at home I have to do a lot more for myself, allowing me to grow and experiance the world. Also, it has taken me out of my shell and helped me become more outgoing, becasue iIhave to make new friend where ever I go.


The college experience has greatly expanded my mind and has introduced me to many different cultures. I have had the pleasure of building a strong work ethic and an increasing maturity level. I am very appreciative of the vast amount of knowlegde I have gained throughout the years and will definitely be utilizing this information obtained for many different life situations and towards my career.


College is a place where we are exposed to many different forms of just about everything. Many different forms of people, religions, academics, ambitions, and desires. As such, college is an ideal place for challenge and growth. I feel, this challenge and growth is what I have gotten our of my college experience. For me, college was a place where I was never really sure of anything. I would attend a class that told me that what I believed about something so sure to me was really not that sure at all but in fact could be something else. The temptation would have been for me to just turn away and not give this new thinking a place on my mind. But as it turned out, I did not fall into that temptation. Instead, I embraced the challenge of a different point of view and wrestled with the information given. This made me stronger, for now, because of the wrestling, i had learned to learn. I had learn to search for things on my own. I had learn to face the difficult questions and to accept the impossible answers.


i found out that its fun and a lot of hard work. once you are done you will make a lot of money. just to never give up. thats all.


Other than being introduced to a wide range of people, my college experience has been valuable because it has made me grown faster and in a broader range than what I had ever imagined. By that I mean that my lifetime has veered from following the dogma of a regular life cycle (be born, grow, reproduce and die), with all arrows similar to the lengths of the “norm.” Instead the lengths are different from those of the “norm” and aren’t as straight forward. In other words, they have a deeper meaning. Along with picking up interesting adventures along the way, my manner in obtaining observations has changed; thus, inducing a change in my way of thought. The approach on situations that I act upon nowadays is done after thinking logically from every aspect imaginable known to me. Those which I have learned through experiences and those which as I have learned in school. The value of such knowledge will forever be held precious to me, no matter what type of fortune, small or large, it may bring me.


For me it has been valuable to discover where I rank intellectually among the heirarchy of students here. It has also taught me that hard work and being prepared are absolutely a critical requirement in order to succeed. Without dedication and preparedness mere potential will not get you anywhere. Also I have learned much about the business world, and the mindset of academia.


I started out this journey with a hope of a better life eventually . The state tells me I'm disabled and will never be able to be educated or get and keep a job, yet I remain in honors courses and on the deans list. Anne arundel community college has a great program to help when you have learning disabilities, so my dyslexia hasn't been a problem. I have remained very busy trying to take all of my courses but yet I remain possitive and thankful that there are so many programs out there to help people get educated and have a better life.


College has been a complete learning experience for me. I started out my college experience pretty much lost in a sea of people that seemed like they were competing with me for the spotlight. I had to learn very quickly that no one was there to push me through the steps and motivate me to do my best. I would have to find it within myself to succeed and build myself up to greatness. I took my classes as my main focus and drive and built a resume of organizations, in which I attend and utilize my passion and abilities. College has also made me become an strong independent person. My parents were always there for me, but I never invited them to my rescue. I gained enough freedom to be able to handle my situations on my own. All of these learning experiences that college has granted me has been valuable to my future as a career person and adult. Learning to handle competition and independence early on will help me begin a life as I start my quest to fulfill my career goals of becoming a medical doctor and a well-rounded human being.


The college experience has given me the ability to manage my time very wisely. I am able to complete more tasks and be more involved now that I have honed this skill. Another attribute I have gained through my college experience is being outspoken. In large classrooms people tend to resist raising their hands. In a college setting the only way to be noticed and respected by any professor is to make yourself standout. By asking questions and commenting on issues I have gained more respect and learned more from both my professors and peers. Leaving the nest is another part about going to college. I left home to attend the University of Florida and it changed my life. Being completely independent of parents revitalizes your character and lets you set your own rules. Responsibility plays a crucial role in being successful when your away from home. Creating boundaries, setting a study schedule, and allowing time for leisure is all part of being a respnsible college student. The invaluable lessons I have been taught in college are time management, speaking up, and responsibility.


I have been able to meet such an assortment of students and professors that gave me a perspective on life and my own future that I don't believe could be matched anywhere else. More importantly, I have gained knowledge that will allow me to advance successfully in my desired field of study. A variety of knowledge that is distinct of the University of Florida.