University of Georgia Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Football is king here. Nothing is even close to the fanfare that goes along with football season in Athens. Alumni roll in with RVs & SUVs in UGA decor Friday nights, sometimes as early as Thursdays, & start tailgating for the games. It doesn't matter if the game starts at 7 PM or 12 in the afternoon, you wake up at 8 AM if you want a good spot for tailgating. One of the most popular spots for tailgates is North Campus- it is usually so crowded you cannot even move. If you want to go out, you can find someone who will go out with you every single night. People will always be downtown. Going out is a great way to meet people but if you aren't into going out or partying, there are plenty of other things to do. There are always concerts & events going on all around Athens.


Everyone needs to float down the Braod River before you leave. There is nothing more fun and relaxing in the summer time. If you don't want to drink at a bar on a Friday or Saturday night, see a film at Cine or sing karaoke at one of the sushi joints. When you get here, sit with a new person every time you sit down for a meal at Bolton and your circle will expand so fast you'll forget you left home.


What's the most popular 'club' on campus? Obviously its none other than... greek life. I tried this little bit of fun and it simply did NOT work out for me. I've always considered my self a little sorority girl and whatnot. My friends even jokingly called me 'sorority girl' in high school... it only seemed natural to join one in college. However, once I joined.... it was COMPLETELY different. I was paying wayyyy toooo much money for Not enough fun. I planned on parties and socials all the time, but instead.. they were 2 or 3 times a month... and nothing but rules, rules, and more rules. I came to college to have fun, not to have someone tell me I need to do my hair for class everyday and 'bronzer makes a good sorority girl happy'. Whatevs...


most popular: greek life but not exclusively. other organizations, like student council, and tons of student organizations are somewhat popular. athletics are huge!! everyone goes downtown and drinks regardless of whether we win or lose. drinking is a large part of uga culture.


most things revolve around drinking, and the frat/sorority scene is huge.


Greek life is of course very popular. There are many opportunities to get involved with philanthropies and other things to help out the community. There are concerts and artsy things going on around campus every day. I met my closest friends through my sorority. If you awake at 2 AM there is always something to do. You can be downtown, eating at one of the many restaurants that do not close until way later, or just hanging out with your other friends that probably are not sleeping either. Football is HUGE at Georgia. There is nothing like a fall Saturday where there is a football game. Even if you are not a football fan, you will enjoy these Saturdays.


There are many different sororities and fraternities. I am so proud to be apart of one. You meet so many new people and have so many new friends. There is ALWAYS something to do at georgia. Different organizations plan different things every night. There are things off campus as well such as bowling and a mall (which isn't very big, but still fun) You make college as fun as you want. If you choose to sit around in your dorm, that's what you will do. However, you can go wherever you want with whoever you want.


UGA Football By a mile. From my experience me and my roommate always left our room doors open but not the door to our apartment suite. Athletic Events are VERY popular. Dating scene is good considering good looking people all around. If I'm awake at 2 am on a tuesday I'm probably trying to cram or goofing off. People party every week. Frats and Sororities are very important here. Last weekend I went fishing actually. You can do lots of things that don't involve drinking, like dancing, bowling, movies, karoeke, pool, or maybe just watch a sporting event. Off campus the only place to go is downtown, great food, great bar scene, great night life. Great walking city too. don't need a car.


Fraternities and Sororities are incredibly powerful on campus. They run almost all of the Student Government and keep bars downtown in business. Yet, people who are not Greeks are not considered dorks at all. Greeks and non-Greeks mingle nicely. Few relationships cross the line though- Greeks don't date non-Greeks. We have a 24-hour dining hall and a 24-hour study facility. Anyone can grab a piece of pizza at 2:00 am. Freshmen are required to live on campus, and mostly only freshmen do. Housing availability is limited; most people move off campus because they have to. Some upper-classmen, mostly athletes, live in the apartment-style dorms in East Campus. Because of this, the dining halls are flooded with mostly freshmen as well. The food on the meal plan is AMAZING! Once I moved off campus I knew I wouldn't go back to eat dinner and get my money's worth.


People party a lot and some sleep a lot. Not much on the dating scene; the guys at UGA have it too easy with their being lots of easy girls. During the fall, everyone goes to the games. My advice: branch out and try something new. Don't stick to the same old friends. This is your time to try something else.