You may bond a little too much with your roommates, so all you guys do is hold study parties and go out on camous.
One of the worst things about UGA is that many professors do not accommodate non-traditional students. For older parents such as myself, the strict rules against missing classes is unreasonable. There are/can be many ways to get around missing classes--such as sharing notes with students, watching teacher videos, etc. However, many profs cannot get with the times and allow for leeway on missing classes especially for older students who are juggling way more responsibility than lecture times.
I wish someone would tell me how tempting it would be to skip classes just to play with puppies all day long. This campus is loaded with puppies of different sizes and ages and breeds. Not that I'm complaining though.
I wish someone would tell me how tempting it would be to skip classes just to play with puppies all day long. This campus is loaded with puppies of different sizes and ages and breeds. Not that I'm complaining though.
There is a major misconception that UGA isn't diverse. UGA is filled with domestic students from all over the world including a vast array of international students. There are organizations on campus to promote different cultures that host different events to showcase them. There is a language partner program where a domestic and international student are paired to assist in English learning and to engage in culture sharing. It is unfortunate that people don't see that. It is more unfortunate that students, too, feel this. Culture seems to have to be sought out sometimes.
The science department needs stronger professors and the freshmen dorms need to be completely re-done.
I don't particularly care for the downtown bar scene that seems to be a common pasttime for many students. I think it can give our town and school a bad reputation. People only see the big time partiers, but the school and campus are so much more than that.
The worst thing about my school would have to be the Financial Aid Office availability.
Getting into football games this season has been atrocious.... I get there 2 hours before the game starts and by the time I'm in the stadium, there is five minutes until kick off. Everyone I've talked to that is older than me says that it never took this long to get into games in previous years, so why this year? What are they doing differently? And please stop telling everyone they sold too many tickets because it only results in chaos.
It's too big and it's hard to find a place to fit in.
It is known as a party school with drinkers.
Parking services aren't very good, but other than that there is little wrong with this school!
It's a very liberal school, so you'd think they would be open-minded toward other opinions and religions. But I felt like I was the only one who held my conservative views. And I even had professors who graded me because my opinions did not match theirs.
The campus and town can easily be overrun during football season. It can be frustrating to attempt studying when certain libraries are not open during their typical hours due to a home football game. Similarly, coffee shops, restaurants, and bars are swamped so finding a quiet place to study during a home game can be a bit of a nightmare.
I would say the worst thing about my school is the importance put on Greek life. New Greek houses are always being erected and Greek events are always prominently advertised. It makes someone who isn't involved in the Greek system feel like a minority and like they're being left out of the social aspect of university.
I would have to say the amount of partying that goes on off and on campus would be the most frustrating part of this school.
The worst thing about my school would have to be the airconditioning of the dorms. Since my dorm is on a central heating and air unit all the rooms are the same temperature no matter how hot or cold it is outside. It always seems to be the polar opposite temperature inside than it is outside and whoever is in charge of the airconditioning controls never can get it right. It is freezing inside during the summer and scolding hot during the winter which is always a pain. I am very thankful this is the only bad thing about UGA.
The worst thing about my school is that the campus is very big, so you would have to run to classes that are on the other side of the campus or catch a bus, which can be crowded or takes awhile for the bus that you need to come.
The worst thing about my school is the lack of diversity. I get along with most everyone there and I am not alone, however I would enjoy a bit of time with people of my own culture instead of wandering in a sea of strangers.
My university doesn' have any major flaws.