People who love dogs,football,red and black, a big campus, sleepless nights filled with tears, and just a lifetime experience.
I thin k anyone can attend this school, there is something for everybody. Big old money school (like Alabama & Ole Miss, just smarter) A lot of greek life but those who aren't involved in greek life can still have a good social life.
Anyone who enjoys school spirit and wants a higher education.
A person who is willing to work hard, but at the same time they like to have fun. These people also need to know how to manage their time.
Any one who is motivated enough to the work.
There are so many different types of students at UGA. Anyone and everyone is welcome. Students who want a traditional college experience on a large campus would do well here.
A smart, hardworking person.
Confident and self assured people
People that are willing to be challenged academically in a way that will be beneficial to them in the long run. Also, people who are interested in meeting people that could be their best friends for life, people who will help you get a great job, and people who may one day be your employer.
One who knows exactly what they want to do in life. Comes from money and can stay foucs and have there eye on the prize. They complete more "work" then fun.
People who attend UGA should be people who are excellent at balencing a busy social life (football games and clubs) along with rigorous course work.
A person who attends the University of Georgia should be full of spirit and have a warm, welcoming attitude. He or she should know how to focus on his or her academic work, as well as know how to have fun. He or she should be interested in meeting new people. He or she should have a love of football because the football game days are some of the most fun a student will have during the fall.
People who are focused and know what they want in life should go to the University of Georgia. I transferred to the University of Georgia when I knew exactly what I wanted. This university is a great place to get a feel for other fields that unfluence my major of education. I wanted the best in my education so that I could be an excellent educator. The University of Georgia is a school that will lead me with the right tools and knowledge to change the lives of those who deserve an valuable education.
UGA requires hard-working and positively minded students. Anyone who is willing to put in effort and wants a great education should attend this school. There is no limit to what you can learn here and all it takes is a little elbow grease. Not to mention it can still be a lot of fun. You just have to know how to balance your social and educational worlds and ocassionally combine the two.
Students that are able to get along and work well in a group setting would do well here. At first, you may feel overwhelmed and lost but once you find the things that set yourself apart form others you will find many others that are just like you. There is something for everyone to get involved with to make the school feel like a family. Because there is a large amount of oppurtunities offered on campus, students have to stay dedicated to their school work and set their studies and grades a first priority in order to be sucessful.
The kind of person who should attend UGA is someone who is not afraid to meet new people, and get involved. There is so many things to do here it is impossible to be bored!
A person that is dedicated to working hard in order to get there work done, who is not afraid to be themselves and go against the norm and someone who is willing to try new things and experience UGA in multiple ways.
Any type of person would fit in at this school. There are so many different majors and groups that anyone can find what they are looking for.
Anyone who is interested in challenging, rewarding educational experience should consider UGA. The courses are difficult and the work load is incredibly large, but the end result will be well worth the effort. Aside from the wide variety of courses offered, the scenery on campus also provides a great stress outlet. Not to mention, the campus is just minutes away from Downtown Athens.
White people who enjoy drinking and frat parties.