University of Hawaii at Hilo Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Hawaii at Hilo know before they start?


Knowing what I know now and being able to talk to myself back in high school, the advice I would give would be minimal compared to what some may think. My personality is one that loves to travel and have new experiences so moving from Southern California to Hawaii for my first time was not that big of an issue. I was able to adjust well and people I met always welcomed me with open arms. It did help a lot that I played for the softball team and took part in that. So I would definitely tell myself to take up a sport because the experience and people you meet will never be forgotten. I would definitely tell myself to learn all the recipies for foods I love and stock up on foods that are in California because as amazing as local food is, it is just not the same sometimes. Overall I would remind myself to move there with an open mind and to be adventurous and soak it all in. I am living in Hawaii, can not complain.


Keep an open mind. Coming out of high school, I had the impression that I was already on a very specific track, and that no variation would be possible. College is the perfect place to truly discover what you like to learn about, what is important to you, and what types of careers you may enjoy in the future. I wish that I was able to understand that at the very beginning of college, in order to fully take advantage of the opportunity!


I would tell myself to never give up, to set goals of all types and try to attain them knowing that even though I might fail, I will succeed in the end. Failure makes us stronger and there is no reason to regret it, there are times when it is appropriate to learn from your mistakes. Don't be too hard on yourself but at the same time, always continue to challenge yourself. No one will make you into anything great, that is your job. Now go be a success.


In the past, I attended colleges and did not get anything from them. The most important part of the experience freedom from my parents. This time my college experience has been different in so many ways. I am receiving the needed information to help me succeed quickly in my career. I understand that as individuals we have scotomas. These scotomas hinder us and we get used to our comfort zones. College has helped me to break these scotomas. I realized I can change. It began with setting goals. Once the goals were set, I started trying to figure out how to follow through on these goals. College has helped me to follow through in ways I did not realize. I have timelines to follow. I have to follow my schedule. I have to be dependable. I have to be knowledgeable. I have to be professional. All of these values I am going to need as I follow through in life. This college experience has been the real world. I have learned how to deal with others as well as my own self-image. College is a rewarding experience if you make the most out it.


I have recieved an education out of my college experience. I have gained knowledge and truly appreciate the information that my professors have passed on to me. I will take this wisdom and pass it on to every person that I meet along the way. I will share what I have learned and continue expanding my capability. I have had the chance to meet many unique individuals from all around the world and learn their cultures. I have had an experience of a lifetime. Not only do I enjoy the beautiful campus but I also love the friendly environment that I am constantly surrounded by every day. I must say I live in the most extraordinary place in the world. Hawaii has it all. From luxurious beaches to snow at the top of the mountains, you can take with you all that constantly surrounds you. It is a life changing exprerience that will change your view of life forever. This university is valuable because of its diverse surroundings, landscape, people, class availability, friendliness, cultures, and freedom. I wouldn't be the person that I am today If I had not been able to experience such an amazing University!


I have gained maturity and a great amount of knowledge. I am now an adult and feel like one. I take on the responsibility of a student and a part time worker. I learned how to manage my time and use my time wisely. I make decisions that will benefit me in my future. I have a very strong mentality to go far in life and to be successful. It has been valuable for me attend college because it allows to me gain more and more knowlodge and grow as a student and a person. Being in school has allowed me to expand my learning and gain as much experience as I can. Going to school has helped me value myself and what I am capable of. It has allowed me to figure out what I can and cannot handle. I encounter many different opsticles and I become a stronger person by learning how to overcome them. School in general is a blessing to me, and to be able to have that freedom to get an education is the smartest decision any person can make.


For me, the college experience so far has meant much more than simply an education. Being someone with a history of depression, college has been a place where I can not only grow, but become someone that I am proud of. I have had my ups and downs to say the least but I am still learning how to handle things on my own and function away from home. In the classroom I have learned discipline, tact, and how to deal with my superiors. Outside of the classroom I have had opportunities that I wouldn't get elsewhere such as joining a sorority. Being part of such a diverse organization, I have become more mindful and interested in other cultures. My experience at Binghamton University has taught me that with desire, focus and the willingness to treat any obstacle as an opportunity, it is amazing what you can accomplish.


In the midst of my attendance at UHH I've made life long friends, fell in love with surfing, and found joy in seemingly miniscule things. College is stressful at times, and deals many problems, but sitting on a board staring into an infinite stretch of water answers become as clear as the ocean around you. Though my education at UHH is a large portion of my experience, the parts i will always remember are those with friends learning the lay of the land and the beauty it has to offer. While completely alone with four of my closest friends, sinking my toes into Waipio's black sand beach, all worldly problems seemed to slip away and I realized I'm such an unimaginably small part of such a grand scheme and there to keep that scheme alive are many young people like myself who are studying at UHH to preserve this world's beauty. I would still be the punk kid I once was, if it were not for this College in Hawaii where i became a man. I consider it a priviledge to have attended UHH and to have been able to explore such an indescribably beautiful place.


In my college experience I have found a lot of more friends. I have learned to socialize more as it is key in networking and I have also found out what my true passion is in life; Graphic Design. I had never actually wanted a career in graphic design because I thought it'd be lame and I'd be classified as a "nerd" but by the time my second semester of college rolled around, I didn't care anymore and I found that I really did love it. Along with acting but it's a tough business to get into so I went with Graphic Design. I also had found out that I shouldn't care what people think, we're not in high school anymore and people don't judge as much as they do in high school and I will be forever grateful for that lesson because I can now be myself freely and not worry about other people's thoughts about me. I am who I am and I like what I like. I will not change or hide who I am.


College is hard. I miss my family, and I miss my home. I'm really poor, and I have to live with five other girls in a tiny apartment. I've had to learn how to manage my own time, and of course, I've had to deal with the consequences that come with not accomplishing crucial tasks. I feel nervous all the time, because I don't know how I'm going to get through this experience. I've always wanted to attend college, but I honestly didn't think it would sneak up on me so fast. Although pursuing higher education is a challenge, it's the thing that has made me most proud of myself. I've changed from a little kid into a young adult. I no longer need to depend on my mommy for every little thing, and I am learning new things everyday, furthering my knowledge about the world and myself. For the first time in my life, I think I know who I am.