You should have a goal in mind when picking and attending a college. The goal can start as little as an interest in a specific field of study. Then when you know where you want to go reseach the living expenses around the campus grounds and try to insure a steady income to satisfy those expenses. Search for scholarship opportunities and finacial aid. Should you seach for jobs in the area try to find oppotunities related to the field of study you are interested in. Keep trying and never say it's too hard.
If I could go back in time and give advice to myself as a high school senior I would say many things. I would tell myself to just go for it and to not be nervous. I would say that I was going to do great and to try my hardest and stay on track. I would tell myself that focus is important and to remember deadlines. I would emphasize about how important it is not to procrastinate. I would tell myself that the classmates at UHMC are friendly and the teachers are great. I would let myself know which classes are hard and which classes were going to be easy. I would teach myself how to use the online programs at UHMC like their email and laulima sites so that I would be prepared for school there. Lastly, I would tell myself that I was going to love college because it is awesome!
Get a college education while you're young.
I would've stayed in school.
I would tell myself to go to college while everything is still fresh in your mind and you are still used to studying.
Being a high school senior is a great feeling, just a few steps from completing a big step in life. Theres a lot of pressure from family, and you definitly do not want to dissapoint. If I knew what I know now, I would have focused more on school, I had a rough time my G.P.A and SAT'S were ok, but it was just not enough.With all the resources and help my teachers, and counselors offered, picking and going to college would have been an eaiser process.
Living in Maui, Hawaii there are many distractions, Getting caught up in the "paradise" lifestyle is easy to do. So if I could go back knowing what I know now, I would defenitly have taken high school a lot more serious. I would have studied a lot harder, and took advantage of all the resources my school was offering. Attending to more college speakers, and talking to my counselour and teachers. Doing that I would have brought up my G.P.A , and score higher on my SAT'S. That would have made my process of picking a college a lot smoother then what it was, not to mention giving me more options to colleges aswell.
The advise that I would give myself is to make sure that my grades is at the level they need to be and that the the career that I want is what I really want.
From my personal experience at college I have found purpose, drive, and myself. Before entering college I lacked forward thinking and understanding how I contribute in my local community. After completing my first year of college I knew what I wanted to major in (Nursing/healthcare), the career path I want to begin (RN-MD), personal goals to diversify myself as an individual(learning a second language & volunteering abroad), and the steps I would take to become successful in my goals(apply for scholarships, financial aid, research and personal budgeting). Through discovering what I desire to accomplish from my education thus my personal enrichment it feels as though I have discovered myself and my own potential.
The experiene of attending college has been valuable for me in several ways. I now know that I can make a difference in my community by acheiving an education in a field where I will help others daily. Secondly, I have become a living, breathing advertisement for individuals both young and matured to reach their potential and build a better life to enjoy resulting in improving our community through education and empowerment. Go Higher learning!
This college experience has given me a great opportunity to build my future. It has given me friendships, knowledge, and personal growth. It has been valuable because I have earned an education that will help me support my family back in the Philippines, and hopefully bring them over here to experience the oportunities that I was priviledged to have. Also, I have learned the needs of the community and I want to use my education to give back to the community and those in need, especially through nursing.