Be certain that the school that you select offers the curriculm that you are looking for, in otherwords make sure that the school meets your specific needs prior to accepting. Be sure to visit all the potential campuses and look through their cataloges before commiting to make certain that you find the university that fills your needs in the way of curriculm, policies, intermurals, housing, finanical aid, advisors, student and health services and recreational, lesiure time activities. By doing this you will ensure that your college experience is all that you hope it is. Remember you are investing in you and your future and you want it to be the best experience possible, as your happiness with your institution will have an impact on your ability to suceed in your studies.
make sure to visit the school before you decide on that college. get a feel for the campus and the students that attend, so you can make sure that your personality fits in with most of the students.
I have been to so many college tours and have seen so many parents dragging their kids along, and making decisions for their children. As an older student, college should be about where you want to go (financially considering, of course) and what you want to do or study. Too much emphasis is put on the child to be what the parent wants, it's ridiculous. Finding the right college should be a fun process and parents should let the child go through the typical experiences, (the parties, etc.) Parents should encourage their kids to get involved, and maybe even have their children work part time so they appreciate the experience better. Parents should be encouraged to let their children make their own choices! Sometimes the right college isn't the most prestigious or the one that makes the most sense. Sometimes it takes a few semesters to realize that you aren't in the right school! I would tell these students to slow down, don't declare a major right away or under pressure from your parents. Take fun classes, try new things and enjoy this time!
Your first choice is probably the correct choice. Once you arrive at the school don't just look to see how close together your classes are, or how many parking spaces there is, just feel it. By that each campus has it's own feel that it will project on each student differently. My campus had a very welcoming and home feel to it. And that is the kind of environment i was looking for when studying. Because if you don't feel comfortable while studying there is a greater chance it won't happen. After that, look into teach to student ratios. For some the bigger the classroom the easier to learn. But for most, the closer you get to the one on one ratio the closer you get to success. Age is a factor as well. Some campus's tend to lean toward the middle aged people more than do others. It's all really where you fit in and where it fits your budget. Yes money should not be a concern when talking of education; but there's no way to get around it in today's world. Good luck to finding that perfect college.
When looking for the right school, the most important thing is finding a college or university that offers a broad variety of of studies with depth in each field. It seems that more than half of my classmates have, or at least thought of, changing majors within the first year of college. To me there is nothing wrong with this notion, and there should be room for change. It is important that your college has many colleges so students don't have to move or transfer if they want to change majors. Its also important to look for a college that is close enough to home, and far enough away to give the student a chance to experience college without parents interrupting. Although it is a hassle to pay for travel between home and school, it's a lot harder for students to have to deal with family problems when they should be focused on school work.
Chose a school that either has a great program in the field you want to go into or one that has a lot of options. Also make sure you like the campus. Pick a place wher you will be comfertable. If there is a greek system do reasearch on it and see if that is an option for you, they are a great experiance. Most of all, you have to pick a place where you will be happy. A good education is much better if you had fun getting it.
I think a student can make the most out of whatever school they go to, if they have the right attitude and a drive to learn and succeed. College provides the tools, not the motivation, to succeed. The only person who can choose to flourish at a particular school is the student. Also, nothing is set in stone. If a class, major, or even university turns out to be a bad idea, it's never too late to change it and find something that fits better. Find balance between your studies and your social life. If you can't do that you won't get the most out of the experience. Either you will fail your classes, or you will leave with no friends or networking connections. And above all have fun!
I would encourage all prospective students to apply to and visist multiple colleges to find one where you really feel comfortable and will fit in. Don't let anyone pressure you into applying or attending a college that you are not 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} sure us right for you. Ultimately, its your decision to make, you will be the one spending the next four years of your life there and you do not want to be unhappy about your choice.
I had a difficult time when deciding on my perfect school. Despite the fact that I got in to all of my dream schools, I ended up choosing my safety school. My decision was based solely on money. I knew I wouldn't be completely miserable there, and I could save a lot of money by going there. My priorities were aimed at studying abroad as a junior and being in little debt upon graduation. So reluctantly, I went to the cheap school. And I loved it.
I've learned that college is what you make of it. In the end, it doesn't matter much where you end up. If you are open to it, even if the school you decide upon isn't a perfect match, you will end up matching it. And if not, it's easy to transfer. So don't stress out about finding the one. Find the school that matches your needs. If you're not in love with it, give it a try. You might find that it'll grow on you.
make sure you study hard, but have fun too. pick a campus that you like and that you think would have students that you would get along with