University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Illinois at Chicago!


UIC is in as Urban setting. Most students at UIC support themselves and/or their families with an offcampus job, which has to take priority over school work. It is also incredibly diverse.


taking over surrounding neighborhoods, gentrification


Diverse, in the city enviorment


The diversity, the amount of extra cirrcucular actvities. Awesome gym. Lots of good places to eat. Intelliegent professors.


Internships and you really have to fend for yourself.


the most unique thing out UIC is that it is located 3 blocks from the loop, in down town chicago. UIC has so many opprtunities on campus as well as just out side of it. Btween hospitals, high rises, venues, the lake and beaches UIC's campus and community is a great place to be not only for an eduaction but for lasting relationships and future opportunities!


The campus is insanely near the city. It is your backyard after a long day of work and lectures. There are so many places to socialize on campus and to find help for homework.


It unique in the way that in 2 min away from down town chicago


Its down the street from the heart of downtown chicago


It emphasizes diversity, and as you look around the campus, that is what you see. It's located just outside downtown Chicago, so anyone can easily find something to do. At the same time, it's located outside of downtown, so those living in the dorms don't have to deal with the noise level and traffic of the city.