University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What are the academics like at University of Illinois at Chicago?


There are indeed some instructors who can be so very much dedicated to their students. I really enjoyed my organic chemistry professor. But that is one in many. The students in the other organic chem class didn't fair as well as we did academic wise. The odds of getting a good professor here aren't the best. It's tough trying to work on your own here. It will likely be a struggle to get through classes as an individual.


The academics are challenging, but they are helpful because you are truly learning.


Here at UIC you will experience a variety of different classroom settings. I enjoy being in small and intimate class settings but also large settings as well. Professors are educated in their field and are determined to provide each student with the best educational experience possible. Student participation is encouraged and common in both settings. I have never felt nervous or ashamed to ask a question or to make a statement. Upon entering UIC I was planning on majoring in chemistry. After taking my first English course with Professor Rosenbush my goals completely changed. I feel in love with creative writing during her class. She was a kind and sweethearted women who would do anything to aid students in writing their papers. Since then I have began taking the necessary steps to becoming a professional writer. I have encountered several staff members who are eager to help me in any way possible, which makes my journey to become a writer easier. UIC is fair in their academic requirements and demand the best of their students which is something I love. Everyday I step onto this campus I am encouraged to learn, live, and love. Every student here is free to be who they want to be without feeling out of place or like they will be judged. UIC embraces people for who they are no matter what.


The diversity of our academic programs is really astounding. Research and internship opportunities are available for students in all academic areas. Various lectures and seminars supplement the regular curriculum. Students can get hands-on experience and interact with faculty working on cutting-edge research. Whatever your areaof study is, UIC will give you opportunities that smaller rural campuses can not!


UIC is a University containing over 14K people and professors tend to forget many of the students they once taught. The avg GPA here is about 3.1 which is fairly high considering the amount of students whom attend.