The worst aspect of UIC is bi-product of one of its benefits. UIC is located in one of the premier urban centers in the US. While the location offers many benefits, they come at a price. UIC's location has problems. There is a high crime rate on this campus. The high cost of urban living usually does not factor into college choice. The space constraints affect transportation, the facilities, and the extracurricular programs. Football programs bring in vital revenues. UIC has received only four percent of its state funding this year. The tight budget is affecting us all.
Due to the fact that this school must attend to the needs of about 20,000+ students I usually retain my judgement. Really everything the school does is pretty efficient, however, if I must find something I would have to say the worst thing about this school is the late response in financial aid/grants, reponse from administrators, professors, etc.
It is a commuter school so some of the students tend to stay with their old friends or don't make at all. Also, being in Chicago, the cold is a factor towards wanting to be at school except for the fact for finishing your degree.
The science program. It is extremely hard and most of the professor teach numerous classes so it's very difficult to get in touch with them or recieve extra help from them. Many students at this school have to retake many of the phyics and chemistry classes in order to get their major. People seem overwhelmed in these classes like too much is being taught and not enough is being taught to know what is on the exam in order to pass.
Allowing non-English professors to teacher classes. it makes it impossible for students to understand what they are teaching. Also, it makes it hard for student to pass the course.
It's a commuter school, many students return home on weekends or at the end of the day so it's more difficult to build frienships.
The dorms were pretty disgusting, and the bathrooms did not get cleaned often enough, it was awful. Some of the TA's speek awful, indistinguishable english, extremely frustrating.
The campus is very ugly, and there is some crime prescence in surrounding neighborhoods.
The worst thing about my school are the buildings because they are outdated. Many of the buildings on campus are the same buildings from when the school first opened, so they are not the best looking buildings to look at. However, the university is beginning the process of knocking down some of the buildings and building new buildings. The new buildings are great to look at because it is a part of the university's plan of going green.
There is no social life. Many people go home on the weekends and keep to themselves while they are here.