University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What kind of person should attend University of Illinois at Chicago?


Focus on work


Someone who is accepting of all races and ethnicities. Also someone who is accepting of homosexuality and economic classes of all different levels.


I think anyone who really wants to succeed and become an equal competitior in the workforce once they graduate should attend. As long as you put the effort in, you will succeed at this school. There are so many resources to assist you in your goals. The campus is so diverse, that anyone feels like they fit in; it's so easy to find individuals like you. They ease the transition to college life making it much easier for freshman or transferring students. So, I think those students who want to enjoy college life socially and succeed academically should attend.


Any student could attend this school. To be successful however students should be focused and friendly.


Someone who is self sufficient and can do things on their own. No one will hold your hand here unless you look hard for someone. And even then the University expects you to be able to do things on your own, which for me was a good thing. For some, it won't be the same story.


Chicagoans and neighboring suburans. Commuters and non commuters.


People who are interested in more financial aid and into business, health field, etc.


To be honest, the type of individual who should attend this school lacks any imagination. This individual will simply do what they are told, earn a degree, and enter the rat race.


The one who is eager to adjust to a new place and experience independant life.


The kind of individual that should seek enrollment at UIC, should be one that is mentally prepared for passionate teachers. And by passionate I mean teachers who will require you to know just as much as they know about the given subject. It is hard work to do this, so be prepared also to endure hours of studying (basically improving your craft of learning.) In a nutshell, a person that is in pursuit of success need apply ASAP!