University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Illinois at Chicago?


The most frustrating thing about my school is that it has an "urban" style campus. By which I mean the buildings are very boring and unappealing to the eye. Some just seems very box like and blah. It would be great to have some nice, traditional architecture on campus. Also, more greenery would be nice, but it is in the Chicago Loop so it is understandable that there wouldn't be much grass and trees in such a large city.


The most frustrating thing about my school would be finding the classes.


The most frustrating thing is registering for classes because they fill up very quickly


The most frustrating thing about my school to me is the fact that it is primarily a commuter school and I feel like it is difficult to meet and hang out with students outside of your classes or on campus. Of course this is not a huge disadvantage but it does make having and witnessing school spirit more difficult.


The age and design of the buildings. They're not old enough to be classically beautiful, and they're not new enough to be described as modern.


Long commuting can be tiresome but it's worth it because of the school's diverse campus.


The courses are extremely rigorous. It is very easy to fall behind. I feel as though I am not getting the full college experience.


I haven't found anything all that frustrating at my school, I have had a very good experience so far.


The school is a commuter school, so the feeling of community is often lost.


The most frustrating thing would have to be that the university is still mainly a commuter campus so most students go home right after class which makes group projects very difficult. The campus is also very dead on weekends.