The limitless resources at hand whether it comes to undergraduate/graduate research, general studying, or job searches make this school unique. The opportunities for intellectual development are given to everybody and everybody has a chance to shine.
There is more school spirit on this campus than any other campus I've been to.
Our school is unique because of the balance between social life and school work. Students here have very active social lives, but manage to maintain excellent grades at the same time. I feel as though students here at UIUC are well rounded and responsible. They understand time management and have their priorities in order.
As a Research I institution the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign afforded me access to renowned researchers and professors. You will not only have access to one of the best library systems in the country, but also have the opportunity to pick some of the most talented brains in the world. Because the university excels in so many areas, a student does not need to worry about the quality of their program if they decide to change majors, something I did three times! The university is highly ranked for several of their disciplines, such as business, accounting and psychology.
The University of Illinois is the best of both worlds. It is a prestigious academic institution but it is also a great place to have fun and be involved in a wide variety of extra curricular activities. Students are driven and focused on their studies and the future, but they are also friendly and welcoming. Students and alumni have a tremendous amount of school spirit and Illini pride, with good reason.
Although the University of Illinois contains a student population of nearly 40,000, it somehow manages to still feel small and welcoming. With a beautiful campus containing lots of available modes of transportation, the campus does not feel nearly as large as it actually is. Also, the amount of people you meet in the beginning of the first semester through the freshman welcoming events is huge and has a large play on the amount of people you know on campus. Even in a massive lecture hall, students here are still likely to know a friend or two.
The student body is incredibly diverse, and each student has something to contribute to the experience beyond the classroom. I have learned a lot about the campus opportunities through the people I've met in the incredibly expansive Greek life, and through friendly classmates. U of I also offers many services to pair students up with internships, jobs, scholarships, experience, work-study jobs, etc. If you want something that will help your future, U of I most likely has it available for you.
This school for me is more unique than other schools because it has the small town feel but also the city feel at the same time because it is inbetween two towns where Urbana is a small town type and Champaign is more on the urban side.
The greek life here is acutally the largest in the world. There are so many different types of fraternities and sororities avaiable for students to rush. There are panhellenic sororities, fraternities run by the Inter-Fraternity Council, service fraternities, fraternities based on major or ethnicity, and many others. It is awesome how there is a sorority or fraternity for everyone that wants to join one, however, greek life is not for everyone. People who decide not to rush can still have a social life and enjoy their college experience.
Academics are very rigorous. Sports are taken very seriously. People are passionate and supportive of the fighting Illini. U of I has a very historical background. U of I represents some amazing U.S. History achievements.
One of the best parts about the University of Illinois is every year, even every semester, boasts the chance to start over. This year I moved into a new apartment with new roommates and I have made some of the best friendships I've ever had- during my senior year! It is never too late to start something new at the University of Illinois, whether you change your major, become a part of a new club or just eat at a new restaurant. The opportunities at the University of Illinois truly are endless and as a senior I am still crossing things off of my to-do list.
Illinois is the best place for me to have gone to college. There are so many opportunities available at the University that I have just found out about in my last years here.
Definitely seek out all possible resources early on!
Staying here over the summer with a good group of friends is the fastest way to grow up. I should have started staying here over summer my freshman year: it's amazing. I had a great job and a cushy internship my Junior year summer, and I lived right down the street from friends and the the excitement of Green St. Yes, without a nearby body of water, the summer heat is brutal, but aside from that, it's a great experience. You learn how to manage money and spend it as well! Let's just say that when I wasn't working, I learned how to beat my expert Super Smash Brothers Brawl friend... Yoshi FTW.
University of Illinois is unique compared to other schools because of the diversity, the school spirit within the students, staffs, and the community, and also what the different colleges there have to offer. The proffesors, teacher assistents, advisors, and other university officials go out their way to make sure we the students on the campus get the help we need to succeed and to also make attending the University of Illinois one of the best experiences we will ever have. There;s manny resources gving to us as well if we need to seek further information about certain things.
Visit campus! It's the best way to get a feel for life and the atmosphere here. Plus, we have awesome tour guides... ;)
I know that I say this throughout my posts, but Illinois really is a spectacular university. No matter your goals and interests, you will be able to support and accelerate them if you attend Illinois. There are so many opportunities here that you would be hard-pressed to not find something you would like to do or would like to start on this campus. The curriculum is challenging, but the rigor of coursework as well as the extra-curricular opportunities here will prepare you well for life after college.
I know that I say this throughout my posts, but Illinois really is a spectacular university. No matter your goals and interests, you will be able to support and accelerate them if you attend Illinois. There are so many opportunities here that you would be hard-pressed to not find something you would like to do or would like to start on this campus. The curriculum is challenging, but the rigor of coursework as well as the extra-curricular opportunities here will prepare you well for life after college.
If you're looking to get a job on campus their are plenty of opportunities. The university has a virtual job board that various organizations within the university, such as the performing arts center, museums, and catering, post job opportunities. Many of these organizations also offer work-study programs. The work is usually not too hard and it's a great chance to meet to new people and boost your resume.
One of the best parts about the University of Illinois is every year, even every semester, is a chance to start over. This year I moved into a new apartment with new roommates and I have created some of my best friends ever! During my senior year! It is never too late to start something new at the University of Illinois. Whether it is changing your major, becoming a part of a new club or just eating at a new restaurant. The opportunities at the University of Illinois truly are endless and as a senior I am still crossing things off of my to-do list.
Come here for a diverse, large, fun, and worthwhile four years. Its relatively inexpensive if you're here for one of our nationally ranked programs (Engineering, Psych, Mathematics, and even Business) because you're basically guaranteed a direct hire out of school in a job you will actually enjoy. You can DEFINITELY have a blast, whether your Greek affiliated or not. This is not a religious base, although you can find churches if you would like to go.
This is the type of college you will see in movies with an added excellence in academics. If you're in state and looking into Engineering/Business, keep up your extra-curricular activities. Sports doesn't count. If you can do something to stand out (start a charity or business, a cool project or invention), that is the real trick on how to get in.
I've talked to some people from the admission board about what is important. And I've known a lot of people who have been accepted/denied over the years. If you are targeting this school you obviously need to excel in many dimensions. You will not be looked at with under a 3.5/4.0 H.S. GPA and < 28 ACT if you're looking at a competitive college. You should sacrifice some GPA points for AP classes. Even if you don't perform well in them! Taking 5 AP classes in highschool and ending up with a 3.5 is *immensely* more desirable than taking none and keeping a 4.0.