University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign accurate?


there are a lot of Asians, there are a lot of suburban kids, but not every fits any stereotype perfectly


Usually they're just generalizations that may be accurate in some cases but not in others


sometimes. they don't apply to everyone though


School is in the middle of nowhere-- Yes. Outside of campus and downtown there is not much to look at. Bars are the center of the social life and can get old very quickly. The age required to enter most bars is 19 which encourages a lot of underage drinking. The cops, however, walk around giving drinking tickets to underage kids standing within an arms length of an alcoholic drink. If they're going to ticket underage drinkers $300 per offense, please do us students a favor and raise the age to enter a bar to 21. Although there is not much to look at outside of campus and downtown areas, U of I is the perfect college town. It might seem like there is not much to do, but everything a college kid need and wants is within walking/bus route distances. Greek System-- Fairly accurate. While there are plenty of smart, driven students in the Greek system, there are also a large amount of students who go out every night and continuously make fools of themselves. These are the individuals who make the system look bad. Engineering Students-- Fairly accurate. Many people are not as outgoing, shy and so smart it is hard to articulate what they're saying. This, however, is not true of all engineers just like the Greek system is not comprised of all embarrassing, stupid individuals.


You do have to do well in high school to get accepted to U of I. However, a tip I would give is be EXTREMELY involved in extracurricular activities and it will help you out a lot! For me, I truly believe it was my long list of activities that got me accepted. It is true I think. Students work extremely hard here, but the partying is pretty good too.


In fact, approximately 77{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students drink at U of I. Not everyone drinks at U of I. While a fair amount do, not everyone does. Some students don't like to drink or simply don't do it because they don't have time to go out do to their time-consuming major. It is not easy to establish a balance between classes and social life. You have to establish good morals and understand that if you decide to procrastinate, you will have to complete that assignment eventually, potentially when you really want to go to a U of I basketball game, but you cant because you already went out earlier in the week. In college, you have to make smart decisions and know what's best for YOU!


Yes and no, since our school is so huge it's hard to generalize, yes there are a lot of students that party, however there are a lot of students that spend their saturday nights at the library (trust me I was surprised too)


a lot of people are from Illinois and a lot of people are very intelligent but people don't tend to be the stereotypical antisocial book worm type of smart. Many students are also outgoing and sociable. They are smart enough to have good time management and so manage to go out a lot as well as keep up with their school work.



