I most often brag about how big the university is. I love how I see tons of different new people everyday. All of the facilities are amazing as well, including the residence halls, class halls, and gyms. I also brag about how much fun it is to attend Big Ten sporting events. Personally I think it is awesome that I was able to get a job through the university as well.
I tell my friends that the University of Illinois is a great place to study at because everyone is extremely motivated and intelligent. At the University of Illinois the atmosphere among the diverse group of students studying there is easy-going and relaxed. Also, the campus town makes it a great place to spend time with friends because it makes you feel that you are in an extremely safe area all the while learning to become independent on your own.
I brag most about the alcohol level students tend to take on the weekends and free time.
Mainly the fact that EVERYONE wants to come to my school for multiple reasons. From the academics to the social events, and the overall atmosphere of the campus.
I brag about the excellent academic programs especially the College of Engineering. Also, there are a great amount of opportunities at the university. Thousands of employers recruit at U of I. There is a fantastic faculty with terrific research opportunities. One can find anything at he university.
Resources and Greek Life.
I usually brag about the great friends I have made. My floor is coed and I have always gotten along with boys a lot easier than girls. Lucky for me I live right on the corner where the boy hallway starts, so I have made numerous friends just from my room location. My guy friends make living in the dorm an unforgetable experience that I would never give up.
The main thing that I brag about to my friends and family is the quality of my school's teachers and teacher's aids. My school has excellent professors and aids. The professors are focused and really know what they are teaching. The aids are just as good as the professor. It is obvious that they love their professions, and are available outside of class for the students if we need any assistance or have any other problems. They make a student excited to learn and actually want to attend class.
I have many things to brag about when it comes to my school; I absolutely love the place! First of all, it is listed under the top 100 schools in the United States. Second, it has one of the best engineering and architecture programs (architecture is my major, with an influence in engineering). Third, it is a very big campus with a lot of diversity. Last of all, I have meet many amazing and intellegent people who are all now my friends.
When I brag, it is mostly about the work I am doing. I am able to work on some very fun and exciting projects that really reflect how much I am learning. Most of all it is exciting to realise how much closer I come to being ready to enter the real world.