University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Top Questions

What kind of person should attend University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign?




Someone who can thrive in a large public university should attend this school. The ideal student is someone who is ready to take advantage of all the opportunities presented by this diverse campus in order to get the most out of their time here. Participate and study hard, but also relax responsibly and enjoy your time here.


People who thrive on diversity! The selling point for me when it came to picking University of illinois Urbana-Champaign was when I came down here to visit my friend. Upon meeting the group, I immediately felt a connection to these people as if we'd been friends for years instead of only minutes. Also the size of the town is ideal. I come from a small city a bit larger than this, but it has that big city energy with the small town setting. You get the feeling of being in a traditional college town.


Those who are confident about their future and want to ensure their success in life should attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The reason I say this is because a close friend of mine thought he knew what he wanted to do in life, but wasn't motivated enough to power through the coursework to get there. He suffered from depression as a result. I had a similar situation. I knew what I wanted, but I did not do well initially. I have since redeemed myself because I want to succeed.


Someone who is interested in developing themselves as a professional student.


Academically focused, intelligent, capable of team work, social, fun loving, interactive, imaginative, creative and dedicated people will find this school challenging and rewarding. This school will give back what students put in. Great environment for learning and social development.


I feel that anyone who wants a typical college experience should attend this school. This college seems like it is right out of the movies. It is a big campus and offers anything that anyone could ever want. When looking at "top colleges lists" on the internet I feel that the University of Illinois makes almost all of them. We are known for our academics, greek life, beatiful campus, fun, sports and overall being worth the time and money. Almost everyone that goes to this school finds a way to fit in and love it.


I think anyone who is intrinsically motivated and has a strong work ethic should attend U of I. Also, anyone with fairly good time management skills should go here, someone who can get their work done but at the same time knows when to have fun. Finally, a U of I student should be aware of the diverse student population and bear an open mind when interacting with people of different backgrounds.


Anyone who wants a big campus with plenty of social opportunities and a strong academic learning experiences.


Open-minding person who loves interacting with other.


A person who is academically focused, and has a good study ethic but also wants to have fun. It is very important to study hard, but there are also many opportunites to have fun a take a break from studying.


There is no one kind of person that should attend this school. Although, one of the reasons that this school is so awesome is that the student body is so diverse, there are certain traits that people commonly possess who prosper at this school. Since this school is so large, someone who does not get overwhelmed easily by unfamiliar places or people would do well here. Additionally, extroverted people thrive the most at this school. It is important to not be afraid to ask for guidance because the number of students makes it difficult to receive personal attention from adivsors.


To attend UIUC, you definitely need to know balance because there are so many great opportunites that will make your head spin. With so many choices, you can never be bored.


When I think of an University of Illinois student, I envision a motivated student since the campus is so huge and all of the resources can overwhelm a person. A potential students needs to be able to realize that they have to go out and seek help and not wait for it to come to them. I also think the person should be open to new things and people. The university is so diverse and has so many different clubs to meet people that have different lifestyles and backgrounds. A University of Illinois students has to be open minded.


Someone who is looking for a quality education but can also gain life values as well. This school allows a great deal of independence of the student so learning how to handle yourself is key to doing well. If you are looking for a fresh start and want to reinvent yourself, this is a great place to do it. This school offers many clubs and activities and there is always something new to try.


Anybody who is willing to work hard and make something of themselves.


People who are willing to come out of their comfort zone should attend my school. This is an atmosphere that caters to everyone’s needs. The school itself is a great place to meet new people and enroll in classes that one might never had thought was interesting before.


Any type of student who is dedicated to their school work, but also wants to get involved within the school and have a social life should attend this school. The University of Illinois is not only a place where students excel in the classroom, but where they are also involved in the hundreds of clubs and organizations the school has to offer. The great thing about the school is that no matter what you are interested in, there are always more people who share those same interests.


If you want to attend University of Illinois, you need to be a hard worker. You also need to be comfortable at a large school and not be afraid to seek out academic help. there are so many resources available for student at U of I. I also feel that to be successful at this school, you need to get involved. There is something here for everyone. It is a great school and a wonderful opportunity to receive an outstanding education.


The type of person that should attend U of I is one that will be able to afford it without there parents help.