University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign?


The most frustrating thing about UIUC is balancing the amount of classwork and social activities. Because there are so many student organizations on campus, it is easy to have activities from different organizations conflict with each other. Furthermore, because there are so many student organizations, it is hard to commit all of your energy towards one organization. However, as each semester goes by, it becomes easier to manage the amount of time dedicated to each organization. Time-management is usually a skill that naturally builds in strength in college.


I have trouble the way classes are sometimes arranged because there is quite a chance for time conflicts between multiple classes.


Finding out what your current grades are in all of the classes and your current gpa as the semester progresses. This is the most frustrating thing because the grades for every class are on different web sites and even sub-grades for classes are split up making it very difficult to see where you are at.


The use of multiple different online homework tools that are used for varying classes. I wish everything was online in one place.


To be honest, one thing that really frustrates me is when the large groups of students we have from across the world seem to huddle together and never try to make new friends or acclimate. I know that it's human nature to stick to those like you, especially in new places, but often times I see people who have lived here for years and still only talk to people they knew from back home and are still confused as to how things go (as compared to their home)


The Greek Life. You don't need to be in the Greek life to make friends here, I can guarantee that.


Since most of my classes were rather large it was hard to build a personal relationship with some of my professors. I put an incredible amount of work into my classes and some of my grades I feel do not reflect my efforts. If I had better relationships with my professors they would see how hard I work.


The most frustrating thing about my school is not being able to feel like an individual but just another student out of the hundreds.


The University of Illinois Is a wonderful place to live and go to school. The campus is vibrant and the classes are stimulating. However, the administrators can get under your skin. In my personal experience, and that of my friends, we have found that the academic advisors dont really care about helping. When making appointments and picking classes it almost seems like a hassle for them when that is exactly what they do. It's not like they teach classes as well. If I could change one thing, it would be to evaluate the motives of the advising staff.


All the partying that students are allowed to get away with, as well as under age drinking.


The most frustrating thing about my school is its ability to pretend that everything is alright when there issues that need to be addressed. If there is a racial issue on campus, the school does not address it in a productive manner or it pretends that it doesn’t exist.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the high tuition and boarding costs. The university may be a big name, but it is still a public university which should be affordable for people of all classes. :(


The rude international students.


The size of the campus creates difficulty in getting to and from classes in time. Many students rely on public transportation to get around. With all these students it is extremely frustrating being on crowded buses, having buses arrive late, and sometimes having buses being filled to capacity and not allowing more passengers to board.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the sheer size and bureaucracy involved in doing anything. In order to declare a major or minor, you have to jump through hoops and walk all across campus. I also don't like how the size makes it difficult to not only meet people but also to stand out to your professors.


The controversy surrounding Chief Illiniwek is very frustrating. No matter what side you are on in the debate, it is an extremely dividing issue and creates a lot of racial tension on our campus, which I don't enjoy.


Sometimes the amount of students that attend this school is frustrating for me because I strive to get to know a lot of people. With 30,000 people attending my school, it's hard to feel like you've met a lot of people knowing that there are still so many out there that you don't know about.


The current financial situation of the institution. How expensive it is to attend the school and the lack of scholarships that students can apply for. Minorities also have major advantages over other students.


The most frustrating thing about my school so far have been the reading in my courses. During my high school years I did not read as I was suppose to so it became a bad habit. After I started college I realize I have to start reading to really understand the course and to get good grades on exams. As time progress, I began to manage my time to incorporate the reading into my schedule. It is also hard to make friends in classes sometimes.Group projects are also a pain.


Large lectures, sometimes 300-400 students makes it sometimes difficult to learn.