University of Iowa Top Questions

Describe how University of Iowa looks to someone who's never seen it.


University of Iowa is a place of opportunities.


The University of Iowa is a diverse college that focuses on many different types of people with many different backgrounds.


Diverse in culture, people, experiences, oppurtunities, and educational advances.


My school is a big, busy, diverse party school.


A place to try new things and make your mark.


The Universty of Iowa is filled with opportunity: there are a huge variety of classes to choose from, whatever your major; there are a ton of different extracurricular organizations you can be involved in, from sports to theater and everywhere in between; the facilities let you have everything you need in a small area, there's a convenience store, fitness center, and cafeteria on each side of the river, and each dorm has a computer lab; it's close enough to downtown to walk; and with so many people, it's easy to find someone who shares your interests.


University of Iowa is amazing!!!!!!


Iowa is a safe enviornment that is up to my expectations of what a college should be.


U of Iowa is a fun and friendly environment where everyone is smiling and accepting of others as well as hard workers.


A place that is always willing to accomodate your needs, yet can be a little pricy.