The college experience provides the opportunity to work with instructors, meet other students, and connect with professionals in your area of study more efficiently than any other organization that I am aware of. I have the opportunity to network with professionals as a pre-physical therapy student. I am able to prepare for my future, while being surrounded by others with similar goals. I have the opportunity to grow as a person through my courses, socialization with others, and volunteer experiences. With each lecture and conversation throughout the day, I am connecting with my future goals and peers. By asking one question, I am able to ask an advisor for input or learn of other opportunities that would allow me to learn about the world after college. I learn of the experiences that others have had, educationally or occupationally. It is fascinating making the breadth of connections that one does at a university. Attending college is an endless learning opportunity-both day to day, as well as for the years ahead.
While attending college, I have gained the experiance of being on my own and taking full responisibility for myself. Also attending college has been beneficial to my independent study habits which i have acquired. I have been making connections with companies and project managers of Sprint, IBM, and Cysco, Inc. I believe that these connections will benefit me into getting my name out into the world and hopefully allow me to get a job in the field of my study.
In my experience in college so far, I have learned a lot about life and the "real world" that I was completely unaware of before. I have learned that sometimes you have to do things that you don't exactly want to do in order to achieve a greater goal. When I was a little kid I grew up thinking that my life would be like a movie. Happily ever after. It's come to my attention in the past few years however, that it takes a lot of responsibility to be an adult. In college you have to manage your time wisely, manage your money and not overspend, pay bills, attend classes, and many other things that require an understanding that you have to work for what you want. I'm only in my first year of college, and I have already had my eyes opened to a whole new world of responsibility and possibility.
I absolutely love school-- and the University of Kansas in particular! I have met hundreds of new people and truly discovered who I am as a person. The college experience can initially be quite terrifying. It was the first time I had been out on my own and I didn't quite know what to do with myself. I was no longer defined by my family. But, thanks to the fact that I had a wonderful RA and floor my freshman year, I have now once again been able to define myself as a person, not only in terms of being a Jayhawk, but by the essence of who I really am. And the University of Kansas has been essential and integral in helping me along this journey.
THe most important lesson I have learned here at the University of Kansas is time management. I am constantly trying to figure out which task is most important and how I can have a social life. As an architecture student and RA my life is full of tasks that take up a lot of time, and in order to function I have to make lists and manage my time wisely.
Im currently enrolled as a student at Santa Fe Community College in Gainesvile, FL ,but I can't afford any classes. Unable to recieve financial aide due to my parents income. Im a very swift, self-motivated, honest, intellegent individual. I always had this drive to further extend my education because without it many people settle for less. Im writing you today because I am one of the young minds still able to get up and see what is out there to help me achieve my goals in life. I would be honored to recieve this scholarship to further my dreams and aspects in life.
College has been a growing experience for me. I've not only grown academically with a more challenging curriculum, but I have also grown in maturity and spiritually. The all around college experience which has allowed me to be on my own, has helped me to grow in ways I could not fathom before entering college. I'm looking forward to continuing my growth and development not only as a student, but as a person.
I feel like I have grown as a person. I'm learning to take care of myself, and learning to choose my friends and the people I associate myself with wisely. I'm learning what it's actually going to take to live in the 'real world' once I graduate, and I've learned to be responsible for my schoolwork, as well as other things such as laundry and handling money. I'm really learning overall to just be smart about the decisions I make. Don't get out of control, but you want to have a bit of fun too!
I graduated from high school in 1994, and since that time I have attended college with hopes of attaining a degree. This journey hasn’t always been easy. I have experienced a lot of disappointments and unexpected delays along the way. However, there have also been moments of extreme pride, strength and self gratification along my college endeavor. I have managed to maintain the honor roll, raise two sons and volunteer within my community. I’ve often been forced to postpone taking classes due to financial reasons, but I have always been committed and determined to furthering my education. I believe the reason I have never given up on my dream of earning a college degree is because I value the importance of education. Education is the one thing in life that can never be taken away from me. I love to learn and more importantly, I love the feeling of knowing that while learning I'm becoming a better wife, mother, employee and member of society. To me, earning a college degree is more than just a plaque to hang on the wall. It’s the power to enhance my future and allow me opportunities to excel in life.
Being around so many different people opens up your eyes and makes you more aware of the things that are going on outside of the regular norm that we're so used to. It creates a broad spectrum that allows to grow into and become more accepting as people. I feel this is an amazing experience that truly encompasses the meaning of the college experience.