University of Kansas Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Kansas know before they start?


Prepare yourself now for college NOT when you get there. Learn how to take useful notes, now! Quit will only lead to failing out of college! You have a year of time to learn materials in high school, college students have 16 weeks and trust me it goes buy very fast, before you notice it will be finals time and you will wonder where all your time went because you wasted it playing games on the computer at work. Community college is just as difficult as a University so don't come into college thinking: "What the heck, it's Miami Dade it can't be that hard. I don't even have to go to class and I'll still pass!" Don't be afraid of the cost it will all work itself out! An education is always money well spent! Plus there is great scholarships out there that you are eligible for that are easy as 1-2-3. There is even an scholarship were you answer three or four questions and write a paragraph and you automaticly are entered to win money! Now how easy is that?


It’s every first-time college freshman’s most exciting time of the year: winter break. You have survived your first semester of college and now you are anxious to check your GPA and see how well you have done. You log on to the grading system and anxiously wait. Bad news—you received below a 2.0 and now you are on academic probation. Nothing hurts more than your pride being crushed because you thought you did a lot better than that. If I could go back to my senior year of high school and give myself advice on transitioning and succeeding in college, I’d stress the importance of establishing good studying skills. Studying in high school is so much different than studying in college. In high school you could write your final English paper the morning of and get an A on it; in college you’d get a C. In order to set yourself up for success you must review your notes and actually read the books that are assigned. If I would have known that I would have earned better grades my first semester of college.


I would tell myself that making friends and participating in school activities is essential to feeling like a part of the community. Making friends that have interests similar to yours will allow you to build a network that will may greatly aid you in the future. Keep focused on school and utilize the schools study programs to their fullest. KU is a top rated public university and Lawrence has a thriving social life. Mucians from all over the country come to Lawrence to perform. KU basketball and football are HUGE in the midwest. Everyone participates in games and allumni as well as residents are all loyal fans of the university's sports teams. You might feel overwhelmed at first living on your own, but there is a great network of professionals that will help you if you ask! All the dorms hire seniors to help underclassmen with any questions about school or life they have. Get to know your RA's they are a valuable resource to help you through your first year at school. You can get advice on anything from writing term papers to getting the best deals when grocery shopping! College is a really rewarding experiance.


You know all those scholarships you are entering? Well, enter in more because we are starting school with negative dollars already, girl! Also, you probably should let someone else fill out the applications because you probably only lost those scholarships because your handwriting is terrible.


I don't mean to lecture you. I know you are smart and capable of taking care of yourself, but as someone who has already lived your experiences, I feel my advice is especially credible. First, never quit something that you are passionate about. College is a new world of differing opinions, challenging situations, and self-doubt. Hold strong, and don't be afraid of fear. This is the most valuable advice I can give you. You will be uncomfortable at times, but don’t recoil. Embrace your anxieties and rejoice in overcoming them, or learn from mishaps and wrong turns. By challenging fear and doubt, you learn from experience, life's greatest teacher. Go out and live! Travel, learn languages, meet people of all colors and walks of life, reside in the grey area of uncertainty, but don't forget moderation. I know you prefer to put others first, a commendable quality, but don’t ignore yourself along the way. When someone tells you they love you, they will not try to control you. If you're unhappy, don’t value your emotions as lesser. You, too, are of immeasurable value. Never forget that. I believe in you.


Approaching my junior year in college, there has been a countless number of times when I’ve wished I could go back to high school. As I look back at those four years, I tend to laugh at myself thinking: “if I would’ve just given my classes a bit of effort, I could’ve had my college paid for!” It’s hard not to compare the work ethic I practice now to my lack of drive I demonstrated in the past. I would give anything to go back and tell myself to actually take time to read the textbooks provided. The important thing isn’t just reading the book just to say you did. It's breaking down, understanding, and taking something away from the (free) information sitting before you. The extent of knowledge one can acquire from reading is incredible. Aspiring to attend medical school, my typical day consists of a lot of reading to teach myself concepts that will provide a foundation for my future education. If I'd prepared in such a way prior to advancing to college, the big step into higher-level courses would’ve been a transition with fewer bumps in the road.


College will be the time of your life. You will meet so many new people and be able to start with a clean slate. It is possible to go out with friends while balancing schoolwork, but make sure your priorities are straight. Don't worry about finding a job during first semester, or even the first year. Form good study habits and take risks, don't miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities. Don't skip out on reading/studying for your classes, and keep your morals in tact as well. Be social, even if it feels uncomfortable. It is time to grow up and college is the beginning of your journey into the real world. You won't get anywhere if you look at your phone instead of making conversation--that person could be your potential employer in ten years. Be someone that people admire and say good things about, be successful, and believe in yourself even if that requires staying in on a Friday night.


This talk would be a long and stretched talk. I would tell myself to keep my GPA up so I wouldn't have to spend my parents' money attending college. I also would tell myself to study more efficiently along with knowing how to make friends that matter. Being able to choose friends who are supportive and knowing how to study are the keys to success in college.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self I would let myself know that entering college is not as scary as it seems. It is one of the best times of your life. Do not be afraid about whether or not you will be able to make friends. Part of the fun of college is to take part in the extracurricular activities because they have have plenty of them and it is a great way to make new friends easily. While in your room studying or even just chilling, do not be afraid to leave the door open or even move to the living room. Just because you have you're own room does not mean that you should alienate yourself from your roommates. You should try to join a club this year or get into the work study program because the more you do the better it looks. You should also join a club once you enter college. There are many clubs that you can join for yourself as well as clubs that will provide a way to help the community. Enjoy your family while you still have them around you.


There is much advice that I would give to the high school "me". For starters, Mom is always right; one of the things I do wish I had done while I was still in high school is heed my mother's every warning. From the advice she told me about planning ahead for my future, to stop worrying about what my friends were doing and worry about what was best for myself. She was always right, and will continue to always be. I would also tell myself that college will not be easy as teachers would say. You have to work twice, sometimes even three times as hard to achieve the goals, grades, and results that you want to reach. I would say to apply myself harder, get involved more and give up less; worry more about your future rather than everyone else's. Take the advice that everyone gives you and take it into consideration, do not just brush it off. Prepare yourself, work hard, and give it your all. Plan ahead in order to get things done on time; the results you get will give you the highest satisfaction there is. Do it for yourself, no one else.