KU is crazy about giving out information, that's for sure. But the information they give out is perhaps more like a list of facts they hope will make you want to go here, and less of the stuff students really want to know. Such as: the hill leading up to the dorms will kick your butt, the rec is not a scary place and is really a great resource, and you really have to learn how to study (those things you called study habits in high school won't cut it any more).
Before I came to this school, I wish I would have known how difficult it is to come up witht he money to pay for tuition, books, and all the other expenses that go along with attending a four year university. I have always been a straight A student, but I did not receive any scholarship from the school for my academic exelence during high school. I have also run into the problem of being turned down for student loans because I do not have any credit or a cosigner with great credit. Finding money is harder than it seems.
I wish I would have know how much I would love it. I stressed out so much before hand and it was all completely unneccessary. I'm glad I chose a co-ed traditional residence hall instead of the suites.
No matter how hard you try on a paper or project, you are not gauranteed an A. take the proffessor's criticism and advice so you can improve in a class. If i proffessor can see you trying and showing improvement they will often reward you for your efforts with better grades.
I wish I had known more about scholarships, I am just begining to learn about the help I can get from my school and outside organizations.
That so much of my personal success depends solely on me because once you get here you're kind of left to figure everything out on your own.
The one thing that I wish I had known before coming to the University of Kansas was how hard it would be to stay in touch with friends, even the ones also attending KU.
Currently, school is my primary focus. Given that I wish I had known the "little things" or the "ins-and-outs" of the college life a little better. For example, the necessary studying habits to approach a multiple choice test versus an essay heavy exam. Now, I recognize that I need to know more facts and definitions for a multiple choice test. Also, it would have helped to truly understand the increased difficulty of living off campus in comparison to living on campus. Essentially, I wish I had started college with a junior's knowledge of basic campus life.
more about the area and what activities there were to do
I wish i would have known that a digital recorder at the beginning of the semester is extremely helpful when studying for comprehensive finals!!