They're some of the nicest people I've ever met, and most of them that I know are physically active or involved in athletics of some kind or another. But in terms of their work ethic, they don't seem to be the most motivated crowd.
Everyone at the University of Kentucky is so friendly and has so much school spirit!
A diverse and open-minded student body dedicated to the help of each other, and the pursuit of academia.
My classmates are all eager to earn degres
Most of my classmates are more concerned with partying than school.
UK is extremely diverse from racial/religious/political/socio-economic students. Everyone seems to get a long. Especially, during Dance Blue 24 hour marathon where over several 100 students dance to raise support and funds for UK's Children's Hospital. We all work together as a team at UK.
My classmates have that Southern Hospitality quality about them, all of them are willing to offer help, but their competitive attribute will keep you on your toes.
My classmates were open-minded and diverse.
There is a very diverse group of students at UK. No student would feel out of place, there is a great range of races, personality, religions, and interests. Students wear whatever they want to class; sweats, jeans, dresses, nikes, heels, whatever you feel. A lot of students are from Kentucky.
My classmates are beyond great and overly different in their appearances, languages, and personalities; it truly is amazing.
It is impossible to fully describe the students at UK. In general students are enthusiastic about school, involved in organizations, and extremely friendly. Each student brings a unique quality to the student body population making Kentucky a great place to be.
The students I have come across have been friendly and helpful, especially when I was a Freshman. I am glad to say I have not seen any open discrimination against other races, religion, or class on campus. The students at UK are modest and most focus on their school work. Yes, there are parties, but they are slightly off campus as UK is a dry campus. Anybody can find friends they can connect with, due to the unique diversity of students that attend this University. Also, there is an endless supply of school pride at UK.
I think we have a good variety of students here, you can find a friend for everyone that's for sure. I do, however, whether it's just because of high school, think that a lot of people tend to group by race. That's not to say that there racial tension or anything but it's just something I've noticed in my observations... maybe it's because I don't really fit in to my "category".
One of my favorite things about UK is that I never open a door for myself. The gentlemen are so polite and the ladies are sweet. (P.S. this is mostly Frat boys who are taught to do that.)
There are so many international students at UK, all religions (and clubs for each), and all backgrounds. Diversity is not an issue. Occasionally, in classes like ethics or gender studies and religion, students take offense to the topics being discusses but I know that is a personal problem. Students get along, but not all students hang out. At the library or cafes there are so many open seats between groups of people.
Girls wear yoga pants and long sleeved t-shirts to class. The same girls will wear a cute top and cowboy boots the day after. Frat boys are always sporting khakis and a UK sweatshirt with Sperry's. The rest of the guys wear what they wore to bed. Dress code is so diverse, but there is always a lot of blue!!
One of my favorite things about UK is that I never open a door for myself. The gentlemen are so polite and the ladies are sweet. P.S. this is mostly Frat boys who are trained to do that.
There are so many international students at UK, all religions (and clubs for each), and all backgrounds. Occasionally, in classes like ethics or gender studies and religion, students take offense to the topics being discusses but I know that is a personal problem. Students get along, but not all students hang out. At the library or cafes there are so many open seats between groups of people.
Girls wear yoga pants and long sleeved t-shirts to class. The same girls will wear a cute top and cowboy boots the day after. Frat boys are always sporting khakis and a UK sweatshirt with Sperry's. The rest of the guys wear what they wore to bed. Dress code is so diverse, but there is always a lot of blue!!
Some students have families with a lot of income, some students get as much financial aid as they can get and still struggle to attend UK. But, money isn't really a big topic at UK. Most students at UK seem to be from around the state, it turns into a small world very quickly.
I don't see very many "goth", "hippy", or "awkward" students at UK. The students at UK are generally loud, outspoken, you know- southern, no matter what stereotype they belong to. People assume we are a republican school, but there are a ton of democrats- and they seem to speak louder than anyone!
It's nearly impossible to describe the students at UK because, well, I think that at UK there is a group for nearly every stereotype out there. There are religious organizations, from the Baptist Student Union to the Muslim Student Organization, there are very wealthy student and students who needed government aid to attend. There are every time of geek or nerd imaginable and then there are students who have not picked up a book since they arrived. There are republicans, democrats, and people who don't even know who the president is. There is also a very large international community and UK always encourages people to study abroad if they have the opportunity.
UK is very relaxed. Style goes from the most high-couture Parisian fashions to sweats and hoodies, often worn by the same people on different days of the week. You can't tell the athletes from the other students (unless you know them), because UK attire is the most popularly worn thing overall.
Our student cafeteria is segregated, but not by race, gender or religion. We have the honors students and student organizations in one corner near Subway, usually campaigning or planning for something or the other. Beside them, next to the Pizza stand, we have the rowdiest student section, usually dancing and laughing and throwing random objects. Next, near Chic-fil-A, we have the fraternities and sororities, who all seem to know each other and forget who actually belongs to which greek organization, then we have the students frantically finishing homework near the drink stations. Finally, the only actual segregated group in the student center, the professors who are constantly smiling at students, hoping they will come sit with them and discuss the latest biological discovery (Or I don't know, what do professors want to talk about anyways?)
Notice that you could fall into any or all of these categories at any given time... that is the best part about UK. No one seems to care what you wear, what you look like, or what you are doing, as long as you are ready to make friends, ready to have some intelligent conversation, or at the very least, know the score of last nights game.
Every different kind of person is welcome at this school. I have never seen a student that seems out of place or lonely. It is very easy to make friends because UK is such a big school. There is always an opportunity to meet someone new and living on campus is an amazing way to immediately meet all different kinds of people.
UK is a diverse campus. I cannot think of any student that would come to UK and feel out of place. Since there are so many students, there are many cultures represented.
As far as dress goes, most students wear tshirts and sweatshirts to class, as well as hats and jeans/sweatpants. The atmosphere is very causal and you see more people dressed down than dressed up.
Politics are represented pretty equally, but I tend to see more Republican initiative on campus with tables and signs etc.
No one would ever feel out of place here, this campus has so much to offer with so many different people from different states and even different parts of the world!