The most popular activity on campus would be going to see football or basketball games. There is nothing like going to see our basketball team play. The students get so intense, and the sense of school pride is just amazing. I am involved in an student organization called SnowCats, which is a snowboarding and ski club for the university. Once a year, they take a trip out west to go on a ski trip. It has a fairly active dating scene, and the girls and guys on Kentucky's campus are quite nice. I met most of my closest friends through my dorm, or they happened to live near me and we found common interests. People party on the weekends, and pretty much go every weekend, but stay calm during the weekdays. There's a bunch of cool places to go in Lexington, and there's a bunch of on campus events as well. But if those don't interest you, just grab a couple friends and figure something out to do on the spot. Those kind of nights always seem to go the best.
Greek Community is pretty large, but is not the only big organization on campus. You have student government, Students Activity Board that plans concerts, free movie nights, etc., Wildcat Team, Athletics, etc.
I just recently finished my last year of collegiate soccer here at UK. The team was great and I had an amazing experience. Students do sometimes leave their dorm doors open. Athletic events are HUGE!!! I met my closest friends through soccer. People party a lot here. Weekdays and weekends, its a matter of managing your time correctly.
Of course, the D-1 Basketball team dominates the UK atmosphere. As UK is currently ranked #1 in the nation. Big Blue Nation is the largest and most wide spread fanbase in the country. However, there are other club sports and teams students can get involved in. I play D-1 Rugby for UK, and we just traveled to South Carolina to play, and it was a great time. And, of course people party at UK, it is college, but parties are not the only thing to attend. I go to CSF, which is a Christian Student Fellowship, and I go there to worship the Lord with my peers. Off campus, there are movie theaters, ice skating, bowling, a huge mall, and any restaurant you can think of along with many local unique restaurants. Every wednesday night there is free professional comedy in the student center, and every thursday there are free movies in Worsham theater.
Basketball FOR SURE, CSF, BCM, Football (I guess, I'm not really a fan), the Equestrian Team (so fun)
Fraternities and Sororities are always on campus interacting with students and talking about upcoming events. But not even 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of UK is greek. The rest of UK loves intramural sports, sports clubs, political clubs, the societies for their major, and their religious group.
When I first came to UK, I did not know anyone and I ended up meeting my friends in a variety of different places. My best friend I met just because we sat next to each other on the first day of classes. Other friends I met because we lived in the same dorm room or because of K week, an event at UK where there are constant events going on the first week of school that are just a ton of fun and a great way to meet people. Also, while I didn't join a sorority, rush week is an amazing time to meet new friends.
Dance Blue, Greek Organizations, Student Government, Student Activities Board, are the largest publicized groups on campus.
Aside from those clubs, athletics are of utmost importance, especially basketball. UK loves basketball without question and the extremes students and fans will go to get tickets to games, and even practices, would be dubbed crazy by most. Football also has a large following even though its program isn't at the same caliber as basketball.
there are not any certain popular student groups, there are hundreds of groups to choose from with so many things to do. the biggest group is the greek life, over 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of campus is greek.
The most popular students groups is probably Greek Life. I am involved in Greek Life and definitely enjoy it. I met some of my closest friends through Greek life. Plus, it got my involved on campus the second I got here which made coming to a big campus much easier. It was nice seeing a face I recognized while walking to class the first day. There is always something to do within the Greek life organization. It keeps you very busy, but doesn't interfere with school.
The most popular students groups is probably Greek Life. I am involved in Greek Life and definitely enjoy it. I met some of my closest friends through Greek life. Plus, it got my involved on campus the second I got here which made coming to a big campus much easier. It was nice seeing a face I recognized while walking to class the first day. There is always something to do within the Greek life organization. It keeps you very busy, but doesn't interfere with school.
Student Activities Board, Christian Student Fellowship, and Greek Life are just a few of the groups that first come to mind.
HOnestly, I have drank every Saturday in college probably. My friends are all Greek. We all tailgate and never miss a football game.
There are specials every night of the week at bars and usually there's plenty of people there. It is very easy to party too much at the beginning of your career, but at the same time if you konw how to budget your time its always nice to have the options open.
Greek life is huge, but even if you don't belong to a sorority (i didn't), it's easy to get involved in the greek activities.
Athletic events are the best part about UK, football games are a blast on saturdays in the fall when you can tailgate. And basketball is god at UK so there's always a ton of people waitin' in line to get in and overall having a BLAST!
Greeks are the most popular of everything on campus. Some students leave their doors open at the dorms till they get robbed then they tend to close them. Athletic events are the most popular thing on campus, anything is not even noted normally. haha, the dating scene? Well the Christians date all the time, everyone else enjoys the one night stands. Close friends are through involvement and classes. 2am on a Tuesday at UK means your drinking or hooking up with someone. Sports. Tailgating happens every year and it is prized... Students generally party 7 days a week. There is very rarely not a party happening in fact. Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking? I guess you could sleep... Off campus? Folks generally go to bars. The bars and parties are extremely segragated also, just to give you a heads up.
The first thing that comes to mind, besides basketball, when I think of social life is Tolly Ho. You are not a true UK student if you've never experienced Tolly Ho. Then there's of course the culturally diverse downtown bars like McCarthy's, Rosebuds, and The Dame (which they are tearing down to build a silly hotel...don't get me started!) Thursdays are good for Saddle Ridge or Main St. Live. There is always a bar to go to every night of the week, including trivia nights at the Fishtank, Mellow Mushroom, and Campus Pub. Food favorites include Pazzo's, Mad Mushroom, Qdoba, Jimmy John's, and the list goes on! Keeneland should not be overlooked as it is just as much tradition as UK basketball. The tailgating resembles that of football season, only you get to bet on horses and wear your Sunday's best!
My two main passions at UK was Football and Men's Basketball. I had a great time with my friends tailgating before football games and cheering on the Cats. I also enjoyed going to other sporting events throughout the year like volleyball, baseball and soccer.
Pretty sweet. Though the dry campus cuts down on some fun and may increase safety hazards