University of Kentucky Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Kentucky?


How cool people are, the fact that we have the best men's basketball team in the nation, ummm the food, the fact that we have the best men's basketball team in the nation... Oh yeah, DRAKE. And Keeneland. Listen; horses and fashion. What more could you ask for?


I brag about my professors, internship, and education. I worked throughout college while taking a full-time course load, so I am proud of myself for graduating on time with so many great learning experiences. UK provided me with a caring faculty who kept me motivated to succeed and stay involved.


I brag about how my school has more alcoholic young people than any other campus in America. This is why I would like to transfer to Northern Kentucky University, because it's closer to home and I can no longer afford the University of Kentucky's tuition.


My university has a historic background of successful college basketball teams, and usually that's what people would expect a student here to brag about the most. I have to disagree though. Not to take anything away from our basketball program (I am a diehard fan), but I brag the most about our engineering program. We have several spectacular professors who have done a lot of work in their field. They do an excellent job being involved with their students and raising our interests further into the engineering field.


First I brag about our basketball team because obviously in Lexington we our crazy about our basketball, but secondly I will brag about our library. It is the second largest college library and I think it is absolutely amazing. It has five floors with a basement perfect for studying in either groups or quiet areas. Also it has so many books on anything and everything you can imagine. Third thing I would brag about are the hospital and research facilities. Our hospital is one of the top hospitals in the country and our research is phenomal in almost every field.


The courses are challenging and the professors usually take interest in helping student on an indivdual basis.


The University of Kentucky believes in giving people breaks. They by no means lose all standards and let anything go, but they are not rigid. Allowing borderline people a shot to prove themselves is a VERY admirable quality!


The amount of school pride University of Kentucky students and alumi have is incredible. I love that no matter where I travel, I end up meeting another UK fan or alumni. We wear our blue with pride and and absolutely love talking about our school or sports teams. The sense of community that all students and alumni share is awesome. Also, the entire campus and alumni network is incredibly friendly. I was pretty shy coming into college and now I feel so outgoing and am comfortable talking to anyone!


I brag about how I get to do internships to prepare me for graduation.


When discussing the University of Kentucky (UK) with my friends, I enjoy boasting about our athletics and the Greek system. UK is a perennial college basketball power house that is always competing at a high level and our football program is in one of the most competitive conferences in the nation. The atmosphere at these sporting events is unparalleled and must be experienced by any collegiate sports fan. I also enjoy talking about my experiences as a member of a Fraternity, Sigma Chi. This organization improved my student abilities while also developing my leadership abilities.


Even though in high school when teachers claim that major universities like Kentucky are so spread apart, I have found that not to be true and that the campus is not that large. It is easy to get from class to class within 10 minutes. I also love the traditions around campus such as Pazzos on Sunday for lunch.


I brag about having the greatest teachers a student could ask for and having the greatest college "time" without drugs or substances.


I tell them that UK has alot to offere as far as academics. They have professors willing and ready to help out each student who needs it. And there is alot of resources available as well. Of course you cant forget to brag about UK basketball.


I really enjoy the student body at this school, and how even though it is a fairly good sized school, there are small communities with in it. I am currently a Resident Advisor in one of the dorms on campus, and this is a great community to be in. This is probably what I brag about most, the communities that I am in with in the school. I feel as if every community is very diverse and each offer something that the other cannot.


We have great academic team and a amazing basketball team its very diverse and is a nice organized campus.


When I tell my friends about my school, I brag about our basketball and occasionally the impressive speakers that visit.


I brag about how helpful and experienced the educators are. This University is huge and it amazes me that the professors are able to find time to help as many students as possible. I went to my Chemistry professor's office at least a couple times per week, and I was one out of about 300 students he had; I would not have done so well in the class without his willingness to help me out where he could. He even took time to have his own review sessions before exams.


First of all, our basketball team, but also the friendliness that one can find on campus, and the willingness for people to help others. Also the spirit and sense of pride that is associated with the campus, students, and alumni.


Tuition is at a good price, for in-state students. Also, living on cmapus builds a good sense of community.


Currently I brag about my school's success in basketball and how much fun our team is to watch! Other things include how nice it is to be on my own away at school. The opportunity to get involved in clubs and organizations of like-minded people. I also describe how much attention my school places on study abroad, just not the financial aspect.