We all love basketball and were southerns. If you go to UK, you need to like UK Men's Basketball. But not everyone is southern, we have mixed group of people at UK.
The stereotype of students at my school depends on what "group" you are stereotyped into. Athletes are stereotyped as jocks, anyone who dresses preppy is usually considered frat kids, there are also geeks used as a stereotype as well. I would say the stereotypes are usually inaccurate.
Being a student at the University of Kentucky I have heard many stereotypes. One in which that holds great truth is that to be a student here, you have to be the best of the best. You have to think highly of your future and yourself.
A common stereotype of students at the University of Kentucky is that they are UK sports fans. Although a stereotype can never accurately describe an entire group of people, this one does represent the majority of the students. Students at the University of Kentucky are typically enthusiastic about the school's sporting events whether it be football, basketball, or any of the other great Kentucky Wildcat teams.
A common stereotype of students at the University of Kentucky is that they are UK sports fans. Although a stereotype can never accurately describe an entire group of people, this one does represent the majority of the students. Students at the University of Kentucky are typically enthusiastic about the school's sporting events whether it be football, basketball, or any of the other great Kentucky Wildcat teams.
The University of Kentucky has a diverse campus, in which there is no specific stereotype. There is a wide range of individuality within the University's student body, thus making it easy for anybody to make friends and fit into the campus lifestyle.
I don't think I can really answer this question because I believe that stereotyping is useless. Plus normally the one's that normally fit the stereotype are often trying to be perceived as such.
Being the biggest school in Kentucky, and one of the most expensive, we are considered the Preps (which we are). Being an athletic school we are considered the Jocks (which we are). But, we are also a southern school and we live up to the charming expectations of being sociable and sweet ladies and gentlemen.
Kentucky is known for several things. International students always say, "Kentucky Friend Chicken." Californians wonder if we have gotten cell phone technology yet, because we seem a little old-fashioned. Grown men say, "Bourbon and horse racing." However, most people think of Kentucky as the basketball state. There have been many ESPN profiles about how crazy the fans are, how over-motivated our coach is, and how the entire state shuts down at the tipoff of a basketball game. These stereotypes... They are all right. And while these are stereotypes about our whole state, I can definitely say that each of these things has defined some part of my college career. The old-fashioned feel, with the fried chicken and the front porch swing, has always been my idea of calm in a world of madness. Fall and springtime bring on Keeneland, which is our Lexington horse races. These biannual 8 week periods make girls come to Friday classes already wearing floral dresses and big hats, they make the sloppiest college boys wear bowties and become men for the day, and it gives everyone for miles a reason to come together and celebrate Kentucky. Then there is the basketball games, which turns those same dignified students into crazed fans, with bodypaint and huge posters, singing songs about John Wall or My old Kentucky Home. While we do have our fraternities and sororites (20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the school), our student government (who very few people want to cross, they are so dedicated), our honors students (usually at Willy T library), our famous athletes (Did I mention John Wall), the band kids playing music around campus, the artsy kids who draw every building a hundred times, and hundreds of other types of people sharing White Hall Classroom Building at least once a day, none of these things matter a few times a year. I love my school because there is a sense of community, whether it be for basketball, horses, or even laughing at the latest art display by the student center. Stereotypes mean nothing at Kentucky, because we are the Big Blue Nation.
I think that a lot of people sterotype students at UK as party kids that don't care about school very much. However, I don't think that this accurately describes most students at UK. Our average GPA and ACT scores of new students have gone up over the years and I believe that most students attend UK to learn and become more developed people.
I think a common stereotype about UK students is that they are all in-state students. As a junior, I can attest that this is far from the truth. I have met an abundance of students from all of the country, and even the world.
As a school in the SEC, I believe we are also given the stereotype of having a lot of frat kids. I cannot say that this is false. A large majority of students on campus are involved in Greek organizations.
people with money is the stereotype, but it is not accurate at all.
In all honesty I don't believe their is a specific stereotype at UK. It is very diverse, with all kinds of different people.
All the guys in fraternites are jerks. Not true. I'm currently in Beta Theta Pi and it's been one of the best experiences I've had since coming to college.
We are not all party animals that have to go out every weekend and get drunk. Definitely not, but we do match the stereotype of loving our university and being the best fans ever! We love our basketball team of course, being #1 at the moment. And even hang in there with our football team and support them no matter what!