University of Kentucky Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of University of Kentucky?

Is University of Kentucky a good school?

What is University of Kentucky known for?


It rocks on 50 different levels, but you have to come here to see that. UK doesn't get enough national rep.


I wasn't sure how I would like it going in, but the more I stayed there, the better time I had. Almost everyone that I've met has been really friendly, and it's easy to make new friends. I think that, as is true of any other college, its a great and fun place to learn more about your major of choice and make new friends.


I love it. It's a perfect College Town. The Campus and Community screams Blue and White Pride.


My overall opinion of the University of Kentucky is that it is an amazing school. UK offers excellent academic programs, a variety of clubs, and plenty of opportunities for success. The University of Kentucky is neither too small nor too large with a student population close to 25,000 undergraduates. Located in Lexington, Kentucky, the university provides students with a college town feel with the amenities of a big city. The University of Kentucky is a college filled with pride and success. However, if horse racing and southern accents are not what you are looking for, then UK may not be for you.


I love the University of Kentucky, the best thing about it is the people, whether they're in Lexington, students, faculty, even the custodians make you feel welcome and part of the family. As for the size I think it's just right for me, coming from Texas, I really didn't want to go to a big school where there's 500 students per class. Partially because I didn't think I'd make that many friends with the fact that I'd probably be sitting next to someone different every time and mainly because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to connect with my teachers as well. The teachers are great, all of them very knowledgeable and considerate to the fact that every student is unique. There hasn't been a teacher yet that wasn't happy to go over tests with me or help me with my papers. Speaking of help... UK offers a lot of free tutoring, both for general subjects and more specific ones.If you do consider Kentucky, know that you will acquire school spirit, even if it's not in your nature. I don't think I've ever been more excited for my school in terms of academics and sports. I think it's because wherever I go to support them I always have a good time. GO BIG BLUE!


The University of Kentucky is so wonderful because everyone who is there, wants to be there. There are so many majors and clubs, so much diversity! But we are all Wildcats. The school spirit is phenomenal, no matter what you do or who you are you bleed blue.


The University of Kentucky is so wonderful because everyone who is there, wants to be there. There are so many majors and clubs, so much diversity! But we are all Wildcats. The school spirit is phenomenal, no matter what you do or who you are you bleed blue. I would change the set up of the campus. I would add more areas to sit down at with friends. And I would fix the obnoxious parking problem (the biggest student complaint). The school size is just right. If you are involved on campus, even though there are over 20,000 students, you will see someone you know around every corner. Lexington is UK. Lexington takes pride in the school and is involved in everything about UK. UK is its own little town, the area consists of the school, the UK hospital, campus housing and campus hangouts. Right outside of our UK town is Lexington, hugging the school tightly. Recent issues are smoking on campus. Smoking has been banned but the rule is not enforced in any way, shape, or form. The administration is so knowledgeable. Every department knows the basics of all departments, and they are completely informed on their specific department. The administration communicates with students at all hours. Professors, counselors, tutors, and faculty email and call back as soon as they get a message from students. They are so willing to help students after hours and to set up individual appointments. If they don't know the answer, they know the person that will.


UK is a public state university, which means it's going to be huge. For some, this may be a bad thing, but it was one thing that I drew me towards it in the first place. I was opposed to going to UK, at first, because had had grown up, literally, right down the block. So I invested a lot of time in looking into small, private schools farther away from home. But, during my visit at Uk, I fell in love. The campus is gorgeous. In the fall all the trees turn yellow and gold and in the spring everything is in bloom. There is a large, diverse student population, but it is not so large that it is intimidating--from the very beginning CampusLife does everything it can to make you feel at home. Not to mention, Lexington, KY is a college town. Everyone wears blue, young and old alike, be it football season or basketball season. Everyone loves their Cats!


UK is very special, because we have managed a sense of balance in nearly every aspect of college life. Lexington is a college town. Meaning, there is UK, then there is the rest of Lexington spreading out around it in every direction. We have our own little cities, with family owned restaurants, student-only housing, and little paw prints drawn on the paths safest to follow, but outside of our little cocoon, we have Lexington, a city with great shopping, all the chain restaurants you ever want, and the horse races, catholic high schools, bowling alleys and of course, Gattitown. We have an amazing small town feel without the sacrifice of having to drive to the middle of nowhere. We also have departmentalized the school so that no one slips through the cracks. While we have over 20,000 undergraduate students, I have never felt like a number. I once mentioned to my advisor I had roommate problems, and she checked on me 3 weeks later, just to make sure I had resolved things. UK is a community. Ask the basketball team, or their twitter. #LaFamilia or #BigBlueNation are common for any post. This is the best thing about my school. I don't know anyone who has attended this college and regretted that decision, and I can say I never considered another school seriously and that is fine with me. This is the best place in the world. If anyone knows what it is like to sit in your friends graduation ceremony, where after the fireworks and the amazing speeches, the band begins to play, "My Old Kentucky Home," and everyone in the room begins to sing, sway, and many even cry, then they would know what it is like to be a part of Kentucky. It is a family, from the President to the undeclared freshman student.


UK is a school full of school pride. Any sports activity is backed completely by the student body. Students here are very loyal to their team and to the school itself. Everyone who goes here loves the school and we are all connected by UK.


I absolutely love UK! I was scared it was going to be too close to home, but that is certainly not the case. An advantage of not being hours and hours away is that it is easy to go home for the holidays or if you need to go to your hometown for any reason during the week/weekend. If I could change one thing about UK it would be the parking arrangement and an update to the dorms. The school is huge and needs an renovation of the residence halls. Nonetheless, the dorms provided me with an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade! I spend a lot of time at William T. Young, UK's largest library. It is an enormous library, and also happens to be very beautiful! There are study rooms and quiet study areas that allow you to get a lot done.


the best thing about this school is the people, the spirit, and the passion. Lexington is DIEHARD wildcat fans, and we have some of the best fans in the world. the University is huge but once you get involved, it becomes much smaller. I will always remember the greek life and Chorus here at UK.


the best thing about this school is the people, the spirit, and the passion. Lexington is DIEHARD wildcat fans, and we have some of the best fans in the world. the University is huge but once you get involved, it becomes much smaller. I will always remember the greek life and Chorus here at UK.


I really enjoy being at UK. I have a lot of friends from my high school here and have met tons of new people. The campus is really large but I appreciate the size. I didn't want to feel like I was still in high school therefore, I looked for a big college campus. There is TONS of school pride on campus. Everyday you see students supporting UK in apparel.


UK is awesome, I mean how can you not like a school that's #1 in the country in basketball. Great education, great sports, and although UK is a bigger school there are plenty of ways to get plugged in a meet a lot of people.


The school is just the right size and the perfect college town-almost. I went to another sec school before UK and it was BEAUTIFUL, well maintained and the layout flowed very well. There were also transit systems. Uk is big enough to have a bus system of some sort. It also isn't very pretty and the night life is very skewed. All the bars are spread out from campus and are pretty far walks. For the most part though, it is a great school. There is a lot of support and pride for athletics, its located in a supportive town that is willing to hand out student discounts left and right, the academics are fairly challenging and its a fun place to be with kind smiling faces.


Kentucky is amazing!! There's a great social community and a nice balance of college bars and the downtown scene. Lexington is very much a college town and a lot of time there is not much to do if you stay for the summer. It's a huge school so you have to be able to find your own niche. My favorite part about kentucky was the athletics going to basketball (and football) games is awesome and theres always a ton of camaraderie and pride. Tailgating is also fun. The greek life is very active and alive if you're interested in that sort of thing. The dorms suck (well the old dorms do, i think they're building a bunch of new ones that might be much nicer) but there's a ton of resonably priced college apts off campus that are always a blast to live in. Major problems: parking (but you'll ifnd that everywhere in college environments) size (its a huge school)


UKY offers students the chance to view the world in new ways. I would change the cost of tuition, it is too high for the state of Kentucky which is one of the poorest states (Commonweath if you want to be technical) in the Union. It is a large University but the individual colleges offer a smaller feel. I never hear anything bad said about the school in the state with the exception of UL fans. I spend most of my time in the College of Agriculture. It is a College town most certainly. The entire administration needs to be fired. LOL, there is always controversy on campus. I will say that UK resides in the Bible Belt and if you come you can be assured that you will either get "saved" or at least tried to be saved. Tons of school pride, arguably to much. UK is a very hateful school when we talk about any other school. We literally cheer for only UK and no one else. You will probably have to defend your reasoning for cheer for ANY other school, and you will still probably get taunted. UKY is unusual in that it is the most self aware school in terms of its geographical local to the Mason-Dixon Line. You will have people that feel very strong that it is or is not southern. Mostly people from northern and western states feel that it is southern while the opposite is true for states further south of KY. Folks in KY feel the strongest about it either one way or another and fights have broken out of the issue. (This is even more true with the College of Agriculture and Frats) There is no one experience that stands out in my mind. Students complain about everything. Currently it is the tuition increases but it is always something.


When coming to UK I was nervous because it was a much larger school than I was used to, coming from a small town. The one thing that I really take pride in at UK is the tradition of UK basketball. There is not a student at UK who will tell you that basketball is tradition at UK. It makes such a large student body feel like a family and it brings everyone together. The campus is beautiful and there are always activities going on in the student center to keep students focused and taking part in the social aspect of college. UK has made my college experience so positive and the list could go on about how wonderful I think my school is!


The best thing about Kentucky is the people that create the institution. We all come from very diverse backgrounds and experiences. It is through sharing these experiences that we ourselves become better people and are able to carry that forward to the next generation of Kentucky students. I feel our campus is about the perfect size. Although you cannot know everyone on campus, you can establish a core group of people that can help you through all of the hard times, as well as, the great times. People think of Kentucky as the "Beginning of the South" with the vibe we always project. Lexington is a college town that is under a large city blanket. It is an urban campus with downtown only a half mile away. It has some very original night life in the form of The Dame, the World Famous Two Keys Tavern, Rosebuds, Cheapside and so on. Kentucky's administration is composed of many dedicated individuals that do their best to ensure that we are recieving a top notch education. The thing I will remember most is the Greek community. We compose some of the most dedicated people that UK has to offer. We do much work that goes unannounced to the campus as a whole. I am very proud to have served the fraternities through IFC.