University of Kentucky Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Kentucky know before they start?


Dear Elizabeth, don't be scared. I know this is weird but I've come back from the future to talk to you about getting ready for college. I know it is hard for you to believe right now that you will be in college soon. Please help me be better prepared for college by learning to study smarter. I know, I know. We get mostly A's now, but college really is much harder and the learning process has to go much faster. Try to get in the habit of studying for each class test 1-2 weeks before the exam, and not just the day before. Also, you know how mom nags at us all the time to eat more fruits and vegetables? Well, it really is a good idea. I feel so much better when I am eating healthy. It makes me more alert to study and to go out and have fun. Maybe if I had listened to her when I was a senior, like you, I would have better eating habits today. So, please help me out today so we can be awesome in the future!


If I was allowed to go back to high school and talk to myself, I would have a lot of information to give to better myself for college. When entering college I honestly thought that I would be able to breeze through my courses like I did in high school. It was not a hard adjustment for me to come into college, but that is because my first semester I tried to coast through my classes and my social life took presence . I would not care if i missed a class or two in a week and I would hardly study (except for my Chemistry class) to prepare myself for tests. I found out, possibly a little too late, that this is not what I should have been doing in college. . Going back to high school to talk to myself, I would tell myself that in college I need to apply myself a little harder and that I need not to care about my social life as much as I should my academic career. If I would have taken my studies a little more seriously, and had the right mind set from the beginning I would have been better off.


As a high school senior I was tired of hearing the same old monotonous lectures from less than thrilling teachers inside of an aged facility. I was tired of seeing the same scenery on my way to and from school, but most of all I was tired of working toward my high school diploma. I was ready to move on to the next stage in my life and really start working toward success. As a result of all of this, I couldn?t wait to leave for college. I?ve since learned to appreciate what home really is. I thought that UK would quickly become my new home and in many ways it has, but home is where my family is, where my memories are and where I grew up. If I could communicate with my former self, I would tell myself not to take the present for granted. Additionally I would tell myself, you will never be a kid at home underneath of your parent?s wings ever again, don?t be so hurried that you forget to live life. Living only for the next stage in life will cause a person to miss out the important things.


I would advice myself not to get too overwhelmed and not take too many classes. Also, to stay focused and be more prepared. Procrastination comes but you have to stay focused and that you will have time to have fun, but education is the key. Education is the main thing that you should work on. That your freshman year of college is hard because you don't know exactly what to expect, but don't worry just take it step by step. Stay focus and then everything will be okay. You have to know the time to party and the time to study and just because everyone else is partying doesn't mean you have to.


I know this may be difficult for you to beileve, but I am you two years from now.I'm here to let you in on the scoop on going to college. Right now your perspective on furthering your education is that it's going to be a peice of cake.I'll let you in on a little secret, it's not that effortless. Begin your transaction as soon as possible. It's a little time consuming so the quicker you jump to it, the better you will be. Don't let what any one tells you, or what you read stop you from moving on with your dreams. Know in the end all you really have is yourself for accomplishing your goals. You may get help along the way, if not don't let your financial predicament stop your focuse. Deal with that once you have fullfilled your goals. Try to not get to frustrated, just keep your eye on the ball and everything will work out.


Now that I am into the beginning of my second semester, I have alot that I have learned from my mistakes from the first semester. One of the most important piece of information I learned was about the parties. Sadly, when I first came, I had the mind thought of siezing life by the moment because tomorrow is not promised! I still believe in that statement but I made my own little addition, I still sieze life but the moment everyday, but I put my priorities in order. If you miss going out on a Friday night, you still have a Saturday night or even next week. Partying will seriously consume your life if you let it. I had gotten to the point where I did school work only on Monday through Wednesday and Thurday through Sunday was my weekend. I wish I could take that back because by the end of the semester I had barely kept my schlorship. Now I know, school before parties! An important thought every highschooler planning to go to college should know.


Anna, Don't be scared about leaving everyone and everything thing that is familiar to you . Going to school on the other side of the country is not as bad as it seems. You will get used to the acents and the often warm rain. Yes, the Arts Administration program is worth it! You will love your course work. This is a field that you will thrive in. You'll have hands on work experience by your sophomore year, and you will make career connections that will last you a lifetime. The other students however will take a little more work than I know you will like. They will be different than those in the west. They aren't as laid back and the drink tons of diet coke. They will be nervous just like you. So remember that in the end people are people and you will make friends. You are a strong independent woman and you will thrive at this college setting.


If I could go back in time and talk to the high school senior version of myself, I would say to make sure not to get wrapped up in the social aspects of school, and I would also say that homework would be more important than ever before. The transition into college was much harder than I thought it would be, simply because I did not know what to expect coming into it. Having seen it all once, I could tell my past self what to expect. I would tell me that I would be inundated with work and play, and that, in order to be successful, I would need to forego most play in favor of work. I would tell myself to make sure that all my homework is done before I go out with friends and to make sure that I at least attempt to get better sleep than I did in high school. I would leave myself with the advice that the key to college success is balance between work and play. Make sure all your work is done, then you can go out and have a little fun, but not too much.


My main piece of advice to myself would be to have taken the permit test and got my driver's licence . It has been tough without a car, intern opportunies have been plenty for my major but they are all located off of campus. I would also tell myself to apply for more scholarships, I just skimmed the top this first year and only had to supply 50 dollars of my own money. The transition to college was easier than I thought, though having teacher not breath down your neck about homework is nice but it's easy to forget that homework is due. One more major issue I would say is that when teachers suggest problems to practice with do them. I struggled through chemistry and am now have to take the class again.


I remember vividly the three hour drive my parents and I made to the University of Kentucky. I didn't know what to expect or what to do the moment I was left alone in my room. I felt like I was ending an era of my life. I was not ready that first semester, because I did not want to be on my own just yet. I wanted all the comforts of home, like my friends, family and assurance that everything was going to be okay. I did not put myself out there that first semester. Joining a club or organization would have helped me find a connection or pride in my school. When going away to school, students need to be encouraged to join a club or become involved with an activity on campus. Working toward something, feeling of value to an overally purpose makes you feel needed or wanted to that new environment. Keeping an open mind and telling yourself that it is a worthy experience will get you through those first unknowns. This is the best time in your life, cherish the unknowns.