The worst thing about Umaine at Farmington is probably the food. It's really not very good, no matter how hard they try.
The worst thing about my school is the food- and it isn't even that bad. I know a lot of people really dislike UMF and they're allowed to. You have to go to a college that suits you and UMF is the perfect fit for me.
The classes felt very much like high school classes. Also, it is in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing to do.
Perhaps the worst thing about our school is also the best thing... we are a very small school. Because we have a small school means we don't have as many clubs and sports as bigger schools do. We don't have a football team, and we only have one "Greek" club. Having a small school, however, helps the students on campus become closer and all of the buildings are within easy walking distance. But we should not have to sacrifice the amount of clubs or sports we have just because we have a small school.
The school informing me of the specific dates for when to sign up for classes, when orientation would be, and other important dates until right before I had to show up at the school. Also, getting information about my roommate was difficult. Neither my roommate or myself were mailed any information about each other, we had to call and ask.
The worst thing about UMF was the lack of jobs outside of the University. I know it's hard balancing academics and finances. But don't worry, there is always time to make $.
Although there are many positive aspects of the University of Maine Farmington, every school has a downfall. The downfall at this university is their claim for tolerance. The university claims to support tolerance of religion, sexual orientation, and politics; however, they do not tolerate the enitre spectrum. They tolerate liberal ideals, not conservative ideals. If a university is going to claim to tolerate new ideas, then they should also tolerate traditional ideas, and not attempt to shut down conservative ideas. That is what I consider the worst thing about my school.
Honestly, UMF may not be for everyone, but I haven't found anything about it to complain about.
There are too few things to do here because it's such a small community in rural Maine. There aren't things for everyone to do, which is probably why the drinking rate at this school is so high.
A lot of people go home on the weekends, so the campus is somewhat dead.
The food, especially on the weekends. There isn't much variety and it takes some getting used to.
There is nothing really bad about this place. It is very Liberal but evrone is really nice.
The diversity, the limited number of classes/options, the challenge-it is not that difficult, and the lack of things to do, expecially concerned with the arts.
The frustration of dealing with the Learning Assistance Center. I have a learning disability and I didn't find them accomidating.
The food, lack of hopes for graduating in four years, and financial aid screws people over big time!
Financial aid and help for students who have severe psychological disabilities or have experienced trauma. I'm facing not being able to return to school for bureaucratic reasons based on financial and rooming issues. I have PTSD due to being brutally sexually assaulted my freshman year and had to leave school for a semester. Now I can't afford to return.