University of Maine Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Maine?


I tell them a lot about the great campus and the people I have met, the classes are pretty cool but I look at them like work so I don't really talk about the classes much.


I usually talk about the classes that I am taking and the various activities that go on during the week and weekend. I love how there is always something to do at this school and how fun my classes really are. I know some of my friends schools are very boring and they often come to my school so it is always something to brag about. Also the size of this university is definitely a good thing.


The hard-work, great teachers and a lot of chances.


I brag about our campus. It's beautiful any time of year and always filled with friendly and helpful people. There is more to college than just the studies and our campus always has something to do!


The campus is really nice and well manicured and landscaped. They have nice research and engineering facilities as well. They offer quite a diversity of foreign languages that you can take and even offer studying abroad to many countries.


Small, hands on, beautiful.


I brag to my friends that I am currently the only girl in my major.


The engineering research, UMaine has a very large engineering department with professors who are involved in quite a number of cutting edge projects from composites research to new power generation techniques.


I brag about the school spirit that the students have when I tell my firends about my school. It seems that everyone that goes here is very excited that they are here. A lot of students go to sporting events to cheer on our students, especially our hockey team. Students seem to do as much as they can after classes, in different culbs and organizations, to make the college experence the best for them as they can.


How easy it was to find my place there. It seemed big at first when I visited, but once I was there, it was very simple to make friends and form a group. Everyone is very friendly and once you find your niche, it becomes the perfect place. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else.


The renovation of Lord Hall and its art department


That I'm in a Fraternity and it's amazing


I brag about the support system that I have at school. Living with twenty-five girls in a sorority house has had many more benefits than I ever could have imagined. I have sisters to help me study, have fun with, and put me in a better mood when I am down. I couldn't ask for a stronger support system.


The Outdoors


U-maine has a nice sort of "little-big-school" feeling. What I mean is that there are lots of majors, many with small classes, but still plenty on variety on campus in terms of support, activities, groups, and resources. There are thousands of people on campus, but most professors and the RA's will know your name (all mine do).


Great Engineering department, great place to learn and discover new things. I love the Computer Science dept.


The men's hockey games are amazing to go to, especially when you sit in the student section. The team spirit and school loyalty at the hockey games makes it one of the best experiences at the University.


Engineering, Greek Life, Sports, Friends