University of Maine Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Maine? Why?


It is in the middle of nowhere. Orono consists of the university and it can get a little old to be away from a city


The worst thing about my school is the amount of finacial aid middle class students recieve. They recieve next to nothing.


It isn't that big of a deal but some of the ways buisiness gets handled around here is a bit off. By that I mean they sell more parking permits than spaces (assuming everyone won't be on campus at the same time) and there are some issues that aren't resolved in the way they should be. However, with the economy looking the way it does I can completely understand that most of these decisions are being made to counter-act the budget deficit.


I think this is a problemwith most schools, In high school the advisors tell you that you have all the time you need at college to decide what you want to do, not true at all. I was undecided my first year and because of that it is going to take me five years to complete my major.


there acedemic suspension policy


Boring other then the Outdoors


It is hard to get to if you live out of state.


I believe the worst thing about my school is the high rate of drinking and drug abuse. I no longer live on campus, but when I did, drinking and smoking marijuana was an all too common activity. There are so many opportunities to abuse substances, that it is hard for authorites to cut down, despite efforts. I do not think that drinking once in awhile in college should be frowned upon, but from my experience, it was an every weekend sort of thing. In these cases, it can get out of hand.


It gets extremely cold; they hardly ever cancel school for snow days. Dorm life can get unbearable with the amount of drinking that goes on.


Not sure.