University of Maine Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Maine?


The school places a lot of emphasis on STEM and less emphasis on English. If this trend continues, then persons looking for English-related majors should probably not attend this school. If a person needs financial aid, this is not the place to go. They do not have ample funds available to provide adequate grants/scholarships .


lets just say its no ivy league school.


UMaine is pretty accepting of everyone, so if youre not going to have an open mind, this truly is not the fit for you!


Someone who wants to live in a very urban area shouldn't go to UMaine.


Someone used to city life and diversity.


If you like hot weather and rigidity, then this is not the place for you. UMO is a very open place from the naked bike ride to the chalked on sidewalks. Also, it's freezing in the winter!


I think that the University of Maine accepts students of all backgrounds and interests.


Unless you plan on joining a fraternity, noone that drinks heavily should, the campus is going chem-free and put their foot down on people that disobey.


You shouldn't attend this school if you don't like a lot of people, huge lecture halls or big parties.


The kind of person who does not except others fro who they are. The person who thinks he or she is better than other people. Or the kkind of person who is racist and fears chang from the norem. Also u should not attend this university if you can not stand the cold weather and the snow.


Anyone who doesn't love the out of doors probably doesn't belong at UMaine, the campus is large and it can take a good 15-20 minutes to get from one side to the other. In addition, Maine winters certainly aren't for everyone, as a few feet of snow on the ground can make that walk to class a lot more unpleasent if you're not prepared for it.


If you dont like the snow and cold then you should not come here. Also most of the classes have alot of students so this isnt the school for someone who wants small classes.


It's a large college, so people that require a lot of one-on-one extra help with professors probably should not go here, unless they have a very flexible schedule and lots of open time.


The University of Maine are for students who love the outdoors and a colder climate. Don't come here if you don't like winter :)


Anyone can find their place here.


Someone who is looking to succeeded musically.


Someone who doesnt like a small town and who likes to have a lot of things to do outside of campus.




There is room for everyone here. This probably isn't the best place to come if you really want to immerse yourself in other cultures because Maine isn't a very diverse state. There are cultural events on campus but a majority of the students are from Maine and have had limited cultural experiences as a result of that. People here are friendly and definitely interested in other cultures, and discrimination isn't really an issue, there just isn't much beyond what we grew up with in the area for diversity.


The type of person who should attend this school are people willing to put effort into their studies and who want to learn. It also helps if you don't mind a lot of rain and mud, just from a weather perspective.