Relax. Take a deep breath. As stressful as it may seem right now with all the crazy scholarship packages there are to fill out, take time to enjoy yourself. Get excited! This is the next giat step in your life, and it is approaching more quickly than you make suspect. The time you spend with your family, friends, and boyfriend is so valuable, so charish every moment. Asa heads up, the Bursar's Office doesn't known what they are dpoing, ut don't let that get in your way of achieving greatness! They are doing their best, just remember that you are one of a few tousand students with the exact same concern. Just remember, you are great, and there is nothing that can get in the way of following your life long dream! Go save all the large animals with medicine!!!!
Do not be afraid of the unknown because with the unknown comes great experience and a new knowledge of life. As a current sophomore in college if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say just that. During my senior year in high school I felt that I was always scared. I always feared that I would never be good enough for myself or others. However, I have proven in my college years that I can accomplish anything as long as I allow myself to be successful. For example, as a Florida Hospital Emergency Department Volunteer I have gained much experience. I have learned that jumping into the fear of the unknown does come with great rewards. I have helped and meet many great people as a volunteer and I would never trade this experience for anything. It is only a matter of having enough confidence in my abilities. With that said if I could go back in time knowing what I know now about life I would tell my “high school senior self” to never be afraid of the unknown because tackling that will lead to many great beginnings.
Take Spanish 2 in order to go straight into a well credited Univeristy instead of transfering from a community college.
I would tell myself to relax a little bit, or preferably a lot. College can be tough but do not take yourself so seriously that you get burned out. Yes, studying should take up the majority of your time, but don't forget that people can't live without friends. And when you left your textbook and notes 200 miles away at your parents house and you have a quiz tomorrow morning, they will be there to bail you out! And straight As are not as cosmically important as you think they are- grad schools really don't care as long as your GPA is 3.00 or up. More important for getting into grad school is the ability to support yourself by working. And one last thing- take all the trips with the outdoors club that you possibly can!
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a senior I would say, don't procrastinate. One of the first things that need to be learned when going to college is that if you don't do the work you will fail. High school and college are different; no one will be there to make sure you did your homework.
I have been the first in our home to go to college, and I chose one over 1,650 miles away. I have really had to learn how to do things for myself and do not have the opportunity to just run home on the week-ends. I use most of my extra time studying and just trying to keep up with a full load of work (17 hours and Honors on top of that). Overall, I would recommend that everyone needs to experience being off at college to learn how to survive out in the world. I have learned some really valuable lessons about growing up; but also that the friends you make are some you will have for a lifetime, no matter where we live. Another lesson I have learned has been keep up with your studies and your syllabus. The syllabus is probably one of the most important pieces of paper your teacher/professor will give you, and it is your responsibility to read it and follow directions. Last, but surely not least, love your family while you can, because when you leave home you see how much they really mean to you.
I have been able to grow as an individual because of the diversity I have been exposed to at this school. There is a group or club for everyone as long as you put yourself out there to do it. Also, you can learn a lot from your classes, even if you hate them; the key is effort and an eagerness to learn.
To be honest with you i never though i would be where i am now. Where i come from, not many people get to graduate high school or go to college. I knew when i came to America about 7 years ago that this would be a new beginning for me and my family and since then i have tried to be the best person i can in everything that i have done. Looking back at my "past" life and seeing the poverty people endured was like looking through a window to another planet. I was ecstatic when i got accepted at Regis College but i admint that i will never forget where i come from and what my parents went through for me to be here. While at college, i have done everything in my power to do good in school and get involved in as many events as i can on campus and i think my professors will vouch on my love for school, learning, and education. I am only a sophomore but i feel like i have grown tremendously in the last year. I now consider myself as that glass-is-half-full kind of guy.
I have learned alot from others, such as most people are compasionate towards others and their hardships. I made some friends that are the most real people i have ever met. i left school for the semesterwhile my mother was terminally ill,and the college was able to help me with everything including paying back all my finaces for the time i was there. I recived letters from staff and fasculty of the college wishing me well. I have also resived all the informatipon possible to come back in the future. I have decided to go back and i hope to learn more about what the college has to offer me, including sports and extra carricular activitites. . Iduuring thew time i was there,i learned to be a more organized and responsible adult. I feel that in going to college i have the knowledge to surive on my own in this world.
My college experience has taught me that learning is fun. The environment your in is very important and is'nt something you should take for granted. The lesson more than from school is find what you love, and do what you love Once you find it take a hold of it, never letting anyone take pleasure is taking it away. If you do what you love getting up and enjoying every minute of ever breath is so much easier. When your making dinner you dont make lamb when you would rather have steak. You are the cook of your life's kitchen. Find a person, a place, a thing that makes you happy and encorporate it into you life. Thats what college has given me. The ability to incorporate the things I love into my life.