University of Mary Washington Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Mary Washington accurate?


No. Although UMW is above average academically there are plenty of social opportunities. There are plenty of people at UMW who party pretty hard you just have to find the right groups.


This school is not diverse but there is always something to do.


Most of the students are white and have money, but the University is really trying to recruit more men and minorities.


These stereotypes are somewhat accurate. There really isn't much diversity on campus - it's mostly middle class white kids. And the few black or international students that we DO have, all group together. So there's nt much mixing, but people are nice enough, I guess. Rumours spread fast on such a small campus, so beware.


For the most part (about 85{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}), yes.


It is majority white and majority female, but these are not entirely the truth. There's a social scene out there if you find it. Get involved with a group, club or team. there's something out there for you. People do tend to leave on weekends, but its certainly not a majority.


not in my opinion. i only live an hour away and i hardly ever went home on the weekends. if you want to have fun on the weekends you can find friends and you can find something to do. i think that we only have this reputation because we don't have frats.


Not at all


Most of the campus is white, it isn't very diverse

