University of Mary Washington Top Questions

What are the academics like at University of Mary Washington?


Class sizes are generally manageable with the occasional overcrowding issue. For this reason it is a necessity to sign up for classes as soon as they are available, because many core classes and popular electives fill up very quickly. The faculty is, deservedly so, held in very high regard. Many professors are published in their fields, several of whom have won numerous awards. Career placement is not a high priority at Mary Washington, but that said they do have great internship possibilities. The level of requirements is that of any standard public university, though one must make sure not to stray too far from one's chosen major, as it will set one back a semester or more.


the class size at mary wash is pretty small. my largest class probably had about 60 people and my smallest had around 10. once you pick a major, you'll get to know your professors within that field and they are all nice, friendly, and accessible. the courses are all pretty hard, not going to lie. you'll get a good education, but it will not be easy. the school definitely values academics above everything else so be prepared to work. personally, i feel like the education you get at mary wash is just as good as the one you'd get at UVA or william and mary and i believe within the next 10 years, mary wash will have the same reputation as those schools. that being said, getting the classes you want can be kind of challenging. i will still having to force add classes when i was a junior.


The general education requirements are a hassle and usually are what screw people over in the end, whether it be GPA or lack of credits. The classes are not really hard, but some can be challenging


Small classes and professors who are passionate about their subject make the demands of Academic life easier


Students at UMW are primarily focused on their academics. Because UMW is a small school, there are generally small classes. Because of the small class sizes, class participation is not only expected, but required. UMW's academic requirements are better now than they have been in the past. While some may appreciate the broad curriculum of the "liberal arts" education, it can be quite a nuisance to have to fit so many different disciplines into your studies. Further, it creates a "Jack of All Trades, Master of None" situation. I would have rather focused more on my major and taken more classes within it, but I was forced to fulfill a bunch of Gen. Ed. Requirements instead.


In every class I have had, the professor knew all of their student's names (except for one intro class that had about 70 people) and they make a genuine effort to be available to help students out. Since most of my classes are relatively small (less than 20), most people do show up to class because teachers generally use participation to bump grades to a higher level. Overall, I get the sense from my friends that UMW is academically vigorous; however, I, personally, do not feel that is the case. A lot of people go to college not realizing how much effort is needed to succeed. A good thing that UMW has done, though, is they have made Freshmen Seminars a graduation requirement. These seminars are used to help transition students into a higher level of work.


The academics weren't bad. The classes were pretty have to go to classes to do well and you have to study. It helps if you had friends in you class.The professors were sometimes very friendly and accesible. Most of the time they were have to put in some serious effort to get to know you.


Academics at UMW are decent. I never found it to be particularly hard, but I went to a hardcore academic high school. Class size is pretty small. I had some classes that only had 6 students in them, but I also had some larger lecture classes with 30 or more students. Professors know who you are. Within my major (International Affairs), class participation was a significant part of the grade. I think most students study when they want to or when its necessary. Even though they were revised, our general education requirements are still kind of annoying, but I think they're better than most schools since they now include experiential learning. If you hate studying in your dorm room, there's tons of places to study on campus. Most of the academic buildings have good wireless service as does the library. People actually use the library.


Great class sizes and professors though demanding are there to help you if they see you are making an effort. Students are competitive. I recommend taking the harder teachers b/c although your GPA may take a hit you will learn information and skills that will prove invaluable.


Class sizes are perfect, freshman year my largest class was less than 20 students. Teachers know your name and actually seem to care, office hours are held regularly and e-mail responses are always quick.