University of Maryland-Baltimore County Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how to study. In high school I didn't really learn how and now it is hurting me. I also need to learn to stay focused--papers aren't easy to write if you get distracted by silence, by noise, by conversations--by anything.


How much harder the course work is in college then highschool. You have to study a completly different way, you have to focus harder and it is not about memorizing facts but truly learning and understanding everything.


How hard it could be to have a social life on campus unless you are willing to get out there and find things that you like to do.


I wish I would've have been a little more prepared in regards to academic work. This school strives to make it's students the best at their field, but with that comes a lot of academically challenging work. So I wish I would've have been a little more prepared for that.


I wish that I would have know more about what the professors expect of you. The professors are easily accessible during office hours but they also have so many students to serve to. More often then not I find that material covered in the textbooks and what is presented in class do not correlate and this causes me much difficulty in succeeding.