University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What kind of person should attend University of Maryland-College Park?


Someone who is not only concerned with their future and finding their best fit profession, but also someone with great school spirit, the drive to complete with success, and the desire to have a really goo time.


A person who is fine with a large school and understands that they might not get all lof the attention that students get at a small school but the resources and opportunites are greater at a large school like Maryland.


Anyone. There is a group on campus for anyone, and I think everyone could find a place at UMD. However, some may find it a little large at first, but you quickly develop a group of friends.


all types. there is something for everyone


The type of person that should attend this scholl likes to be around a lot of different type of people. They also like to share their opinions with people they have never met before, but not in a harsh, degrading manner. They should also enjoy boisterous sports events.


Anyone from any diverse background, there is a place for everyone but you have to find your place in clubs and sports and activities. It is a large school and some people can feel lost unless they find a small group to make it feel smaller.


Anyone can really attend this school. It's so diverse that everyone can find their own niche somewhere.


If you are a business or engineering major this is the school for you, very tailored to specifically meet the needs of these majors


Kids from Maryland (in-state tuition is really good), someone who is interested in learning, is liberal & accepting of others, and likes to party.

