Its pretty accurate but becoming more academically challenging so its lets party more study with incoming freshman.
Yes and no. There are a lot of rich kids who just want to party, but there are also a bunch of middle class kids who like to party one or two days a week. There are even kids who don't want to party at all and rather just study by the lake. If you want to associate with the stereotype and hang out with those kind of people, there's certainly enough of them, but if you don't, then you in no way have to.
Yes and no. There will always be stereotypes at schools which certain people will fit into. It's unavoidable. There are those that go to the beach a lot, spend a lot of their parent's money, and party every night. I know of multiple people like this. However, there are also students that don't fit into that category at all. I have friends spending their winter breaks studying for the MCAT, are in multiple honor societies and essentially live in Richter (the library) during finals time. If someone were to just spend a day at UM they might get the impression that the stereotype at UM is accurate. However, once you get to know people and really get into the semester grind I've found that it's definitely not true for most people at UM
I think the stereotype about UM is pretty accurate and I don't think anyone around here wants it to change except for Shalala who seems determined to make UM into an ivy league-esque university of all work and no play.
Miami is what you make of it. In my experience I have met people with more money than I can even begin to comprehend but not every one of them are snobby and elitist. At any school this expensive wealthy families come with the territory. As for drinking and partying, Miami is known for nightlife but there is absolutely no pressure to join in.
Miami is way too much of a party school for you to get a good education. This school does not care about academics, it only cares about south beach (a really seedy place if you ask me). Also, the students here were just awful. There is a lot of money here, and a lot of students who just don't care how many semesters they'll have to do to graduate because their parents will pay for all of it regardless. I also come from a very wealthy suburb of Chicago, so money has never been a big deal for me. However, I have never witnessed such irresponsibility as I did in nearly every UM student. Overall, the stereotypes are EXTREMELY ACCURATE.