Lots of intramurals, club sports, nice gym for basketball and raquetball. Then varsity sports, basketball stadium is on campus. volleyball and soccer play on campus. football is played at Dolphins Stadium. Its a 30 minute drive. Students take free buses or drive and tailgate.
Football is the most popular sport. We play in the same stadium as the Dolphins, so constant buses are provided to and from the stadium, which is about 35-40 minutes away. Fraternities also get a few buses to each game. There are always huge tailgates. Basketball is the second most popular sport, with the Bank United Center on campus. Some people go to baseball games occasionally, which is on campus as well. There is a lot of spirit on game day!
Football is the most popular sport. We play in the same stadium as the Dolphins, so constant buses are provided to and from the stadium, which is about 35-40 minutes away. Fraternities also get a few buses to each game. There are always huge tailgates. Basketball is the second most popular sport, with the Bank United Center on campus. Some people go to baseball games occasionally, which is on campus as well. There is a lot of spirit on game day!
When the football and basketball teams are doing well, they are the biggest sporting events to go to. The women's basketball team is ranked pretty high and usually pulls out a win, and under a new coach, our men's basketball team has started to beat high ranked teams. Our football team is getting better and we expect better seasons in the coming years. Volleyball games are big to go to, as are soccer, tennis and baseball games. If you want to participate, but aren't Di material, there are plenty of club and intramural level teams that travel and compete.
UM Football games tend to be important for many UM students. Our baseball team and volleyball team tend to be very good as well, but nowhere near as many people go to them. Many students are involved in extracurricular or intramural sports. There is a wide variety of these ranging from Muggle Quidditch to Jujitsu to Lacrosse to Ultimate Frisbee. It's not a determining factor to be a part of these attached to being a "University of Miami student" but they are really fun ways of staying in shape and making friends!
On the inside.. can't you see??
I wish I could say that the 'Canes are back in action, but sadly we're not doing so well right now. However, the silver lining is that any game lost was only by a few points, but thats also something to cry over.
Club, Intermural, and Intramural sports are all highly participated in, in addition to varsity sports! The club sports here travel to nationals annually.
On the inside.. can't you see??
I wish I could say that the 'Canes are back in action, but sadly we're not doing so well right now. However, the silver lining is that any game lost was only by a few points, but thats also something to cry over.
Club, Intermural, and Intramural sports are all highly participated in, in addition to varsity sports! The club sports here travel to nationals annually.
On the inside.. can't you see??
I wish I could say that the 'Canes are back in action, but sadly we're not doing so well right now. However, the silver lining is that any game lost was only by a few points, but thats also something to cry over.
Club, Intermural, and Intramural sports are all highly participated in, in addition to varsity sports! The club sports here travel to nationals annually.
A promotional video about University of Miami Hurricanes football
University of Miami Fight Song