University of Miami Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Environment overall. I don't really know how to explain it, its also self-explanatory.


Location, diversity, facilities.


The diversity! It really opens your eyes to different races and cultures which in turn makes you a well rounded person by the time you graduate with all of the interaction on campus. You will learn about all different cultures in one place than traveling around the world!


location and research


The campus, professors, and the diversity among the students.


One of the university's strong points is the general willingness of professors to allow students to conduct research in their labs. I have been able to work in three different labs during my fours years at the University of Miami and have gained invaluable experience in each lab. Academic advisors often help students with obtaining a place in a lab by recommending researchers with similar interests to the student and by informing students of research opportunities.


The best thing is how it is preparing me for th future. I know that once I graduate I will be able to find a job and people will want to hire me due to where I attended college. They know I will have to knowledge and experience to do well.


There are numerous opportunities for students to find internships or an extra-cirricular activity on campus. There are enough students here to reach out and be cuturally diverse if you wish to do so. There are a exceptional amount of teacher that are down to earth and really enjoy seeing their students be successful. There is a suprising amount of school spirit here and it can be seen through faculty, staff and students daily.


It provides such a diverse environment that I wouldn't have gotten at home. We have so many international students plus locals from Miami who are of all different races. Everyone here seems to be billingual.


The best thing about the University of Miami is that is very academically challenging but there are so many things to do socially as well. The city is very alive and people tend to be very friendly.